
I Should Never Have Gone Ziplining (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Wednesday, November 01, 2017, 11:45 (2678 days ago) @ ObsidianKitteh


Easily the most relatable episode to me. My wife and I watch South Park immediately. The last two seasons were a drag but glad they are back on track. During I Should Never Have Gone Ziplining, I just kept saying "THIS! This is why doing things sucks." She thinks I'm joking when I always talking about how much I can't stand people and their obnoxious existence, and this episode captured it perfectly.

Favorite call backs in my regular rotation:

"Tree fitty? You damn Loch Ness Monster!"
"Don't forget to bring a towel."
"Hoowwddiie Hoooo"
Lemmy Winks and the Catata Fish
"You like fish sticks?"
"Love Gravy" as sung by Chef.
"Watch out Ned, its coming right for us!"
"mmmmmitburrrnnzzz. itbuurrrrrnnnzzzzz."
"Rectus! Dominus!"
Scott Tenorman reference when eating chili.
"Jethus Chroiiiiist"
"Day tuk r jaarrrrbbs"
"Feelin gooood on a Wednesday, ya ya ya"
"ah oh oh..I thought this was America"
"...well you can gggiiiiiiittooouut"
"I've got something in my front pocket for yooouu..." (During H2, would sing this as I teabag noobs.)

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