
South Park: SoT Free. (Gaming)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 10:44 (2679 days ago)

Would anyone like a free copy of South Park: The Stick of Truth for the Xbox One? I got a copy when I picked up the Fractured But Whole(immature chortling) last week, making this my fourth copy.

I was originally planning to just paste the code and be done with it, but then I had another thought—I hadn't hosted a contest in almost 10 years. Obviously I don't have the time to do a whole full-blooded thing, so just tell me!

What do you love about South Park? What are some of your favorite moments/episodes? When was the first time an episode grossed you out, shocked you with its audacity, or made you piss yourself laughing? When did you realize South Park for the comedic and parodist megalith that it became? Most importantly, do you still watch it?

You don't have to go all-out and write an essay, just talk a little bit about whether or not you'd really enjoy the hilarity in this game.

Let me know! I'll e-mail the winner Thursday.

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