
So much installing (Gaming)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, October 26, 2017, 11:53 (2684 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I like game discs. I really do. But it seems like everyone is trying so hard to get me to switch to digital.

I mean, even when you have a disc the game installs fully to your HD. Today I have free, so I'm excited to try Horizon Zero Dawn… but oops. Not enough space. Really? I thought I had 1TB? Oh wow… it's totally full with game installs that I have discs for.

We should just go back to cartridges. I mean, how much would a 50GB SSD even cost in a few years mass produced? You could even save your game on the "cart" or internal storage.

I can only dream that's how the PS5 will work. I just hate deleting shit on my console when I should be playing.

Yeah, calling that a "dream" is naive in and of itself! You are already one of the last "holdouts" that still buys physical. The console manufacturers already toyed with the idea of ditching support of physical media this generation, and there was enough outcry that they didn't go ahead with taking that step. But, I think the general consumer is now ready, and I will actually be mildly surprised if the next generation of console hardware still has disc slots (or any other physical media support).

I hope you are able to get H:ZD installed soon enough to still spend most of your day diving in!

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