
So much installing (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, October 26, 2017, 10:59 (2684 days ago)

I like game discs. I really do. But it seems like everyone is trying so hard to get me to switch to digital.

I mean, even when you have a disc the game installs fully to your HD. Today I have free, so I'm excited to try Horizon Zero Dawn… but oops. Not enough space. Really? I thought I had 1TB? Oh wow… it's totally full with game installs that I have discs for.

We should just go back to cartridges. I mean, how much would a 50GB SSD even cost in a few years mass produced? You could even save your game on the "cart" or internal storage.

I can only dream that's how the PS5 will work. I just hate deleting shit on my console when I should be playing.

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