
Spending Money vs. Time (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 14:55 (2696 days ago) @ Claude Errera

And why do you think it takes two hours to obtain?! That’s a purposely designed friction! And if those two hours are actually fun and just part of the normal game, you’d play it and have a blast. It wouldn’t be a chore. Who cares how many days it takes you to finish a game as long as each hour spent is fun?

This is such a narrow worldview, and it amazes me that you still put it forth after so many people have told you of issues with it.

I'd even be willing to go so far as to say that it is objectively wrong.

Read his post again. The guy's got an hour to play. He wants something it takes 2 hours to get to. He doesn't have time for it. And you can't see that some things take 2 hours NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE ARTIFICIALLY PADDED, but because that's how long it takes?


I might add, you (Cody) are type casting all gamers into either:
1. People who either like all the content because it's well made
2. People who like some but portions of a game but not others because it was poorly made

What boggles my mind is that you can't see a person who likes portions of a game but not others and yet it still be a quality game. People like different things.

I myself like PvE FAR more than PvP. Does that make PvP bad? No. If I was enticed to get PvP items by some other avenue, would I take it? Hell yeah I would. That doesn't mean that PvP needs to be fixed.

If the game has too many parts that you don’t like… then you don’t like the game! So why are you playing it in the first place!? This excepts pieces that do not interact such as separate modes. If you like PvE but too much of PvE is frustrating… that is your problem for playing that game.

This, from the guy who at several points said Destiny was total shit except for the Raid.

That is true, but it’s also a comment on how cool VoG was the first time.

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