
Thoughts on Weapons Balance (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Friday, July 28, 2017, 00:53 (2774 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I think maybe the problem.. well a problem.. is that if you nerf the infinite range one shot kill guns far enough into the ground that they aren't a balance problem you have also made them zero fun to actually use.

Putting snipers back into the power weapon category gives the freedom to keep sniper rifles good.

Like BeardFade mentioned, I think maybe shotguns were actually the harder problem. Basically, movement and map size and everything is such in Destiny that they really could not nerf shotguns enough. If they made it so shotguns had a range measured in millimeters it still would not have been enough because planting the end of the barrel against an enemy's head was a common enough occurrence due to the way Destiny played.

Like Sniper Rifles, I think it's better shotguns be allowed the freedom to be a little ridiculous in exchange for having true limited availability again.

Agree. Personally, I think shotguns would have been fine as 2 hit kills instead of 1 hit kills, and I think that would have slowed them down enough that you wouldn't find yourself in as many trades. As for snipers, giving them longer ADS times would have forced people to hard-scope or abandon them altogether. I know, the super pros only like to quickscope like RealKrafty, but - seriously - giving a sniper rifle something like a two second ADS time would have kept them as powerful while preventing them from being the "useful in any situation" guns they became. Longer zooms, too, would help.

As for D2, I'm optimistic. Gotta see how the balance plays out once the real game is launched.

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