
Thumbs down. (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Monday, June 12, 2017, 00:27 (2820 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Not to weigh in on HZD since I haven't played it, but video game reviewers for large publications are almost exclusively bad at their jobs. The very idea of a score is kind of silly to begin with. You either liked it, or didn't like it. Siskel and Ebert had it right all along.


I'm so tired of this wave of art is consumed in binary black OR white thumbs up thumbs down narrative. People can and do have ranges of reactions to things. Things can be compared or ranked into more than first and last place (in a tie)

The best you can say is that they had a good idea for a tv review show: turn it into advice. Go see it or don't. But giving buying advice is not the same as criticism, and even within recommendations, ratings can be useful, after all sometimes you don't have time to see every movie that scores 50% or above.

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