
Gaming Deals Awareness Thread. (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, June 09, 2017, 21:06 (2733 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Wow, Horizon really only has an 89 on metacritic? I mean, that's a good score and everything, but it's a truly amazing game that's so well designed in almost every single aspect. I honestly expected higher.

Not to weigh in on HZD since I haven't played it, but video game reviewers for large publications are almost exclusively bad at their jobs. The very idea of a score is kind of silly to begin with. You either liked it, or didn't like it. Siskel and Ebert had it right all along. So to find out the nuances, you read the review, and reviewers today are bad at nuance, and just use a checklist, or worse tally things like Graphics / Sound / Gameplay as if those are separate things that don't weave together.

There's a certain amount of appearances that are maintained as well, similar to the critics who all laughed their asses off at a Baywatch preview screening, yet panned the film. I mean, Abzu scored better than Destiny on Metacritic. Proof right there game reviewers suck at their jobs.

After all that though, you really want to know "Is it good?" when you read a game review.

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