
Why do people love Vanquish so much? (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, May 27, 2017, 14:30 (2747 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

When people talk about the "fun" in vanquish, they talk about sprinting and vaulting and sliding around. But you can only really play the game that way on the easy or normal difficulty levels. And at those levels, I personally found little challenge to the game. The enemies weren't tough to fight, the encounters offered little challenge. But bumping the difficulty up higher does not encourage further mastery of those "fun" abilities. Instead, it forces the player to slow down, stop running and sliding as often, and play the game more like a typical 3rd person cover-based shooter. And as a 3rd person cover/-based shooter, Vanquish fucking sucks. It is dull as hell compared to games like Gears of War, which are designed from the ground up to support the more strategic and tactical sides of that style of gameplay.

Vanquish presents fun, but shallow mechanics. Then punishes players who want a challenge until they stop engaging with those mechanics almost entirely.

I feel it is literally the opposite of that. If you play Vanquish like Gears on Hard, then that's kind of like playing Halo with only the Plasma Rifle. The tools at your disposal require and extreme amount of mastery, but once you do you can lay waste to everything. If you play it like a typical 3rd person shooter you squander all that. But if you refused to play Halo with any other weapons, does that make the game bad?

Here is an expert playing the Hardest challenge mode. This mode take most people 15+ minutes. Notice how he is always moving, switching weapons, and hardly ever in cover:

People fell back to the Gears type passive play because it was what they were used to, and did not explore the truly wonderful systems that were in fact in place. It's pretty amazing we can have completely opposite views of this game, with you calling it shallow and me calling it deep.

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