
Why do people love Vanquish so much? (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, May 27, 2017, 12:14 (2836 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So you flipped your argument from just pressing A to doing the literal opposite of that by setting up complex scenarios most people won't see. It works against your point. It's actually a closer analogy to Vanquish. Rockslider is having more fun than most by doing what he is, but most people never saw or did those things. Vanquish is the same way--most people simply played the game and found it boring. It's the game's fault folks didn't engage. The devs should have made doing so more compelling. They don't get to put out a mediocre game and then tell me I played it wrong after the fact. If I was playing wrong, I shouldn't have been able to finish the fucking thing.

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