
this is really good news (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, May 26, 2017, 08:53 (2619 days ago) @ uberfoop

In fact, my guess would be that the thing most obviously noticeable here will be faster load times, since none of the systems will be busy serving up host or physics data.

The client still needs to run physics locally, even if another system is authoritative. Only a tiny minority of gamestate can be updated by the host with each new frame (if the packets are arriving at all at a given moment). So to keep the game world appearing to run smoothly, the client still needs to be running everything, operating on its own except when the host tells it to change something.

Bungie flat out said that their servers are the new "physics host" instead of any of the players, whereas one player was the physics host in D1. So there is some offloading of server duties from a client machine to the dedicated servers. How much is up for interpretation, but there is definitely some.

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