
Project Scorpio Hardware Reveal (Gaming)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Thursday, April 06, 2017, 13:53 (2798 days ago) @ cheapLEY

1. Scorpio has to be a new generation. Games can be exclusive to Scorpio and not have to run on the base Xbox One. Having the most powerful console doesn't mean shit if all the games still have to run on the least powerful console.

100% disagree with you there. MS is trying to move to a model where you don't need a new generation of console every 5-10 years. Instead you upgrade every so often because you want the more powerful hardware. The key is going to be that there is no "backwards compatibility" layer needed anymore. All the hardware here is basically the same as the existing Xbox One so that a developer doesn't have to do anything special for their game to run on Scorpio. For consumers that don't want the extra power, they can just buy the Xbox One S and they still get to play the same games (except at a lower graphics quality).

The interesting thing about all this to me is all of the Console makers are doing the same thing. The switch is basically just a higher powered Wii-U with joy cons, Sony has released the PS4 Pro which is just a resolution bump, and MS is building the Xbox One S and Scorpio.

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