
Project Scorpio Hardware Reveal (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 06, 2017, 12:48 (2797 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

I'm intrigued. Looking forward to E3 to see more about their plans. I feel like two things need to happen for this to succeed:

1. Scorpio has to be a new generation. Games can be exclusive to Scorpio and not have to run on the base Xbox One. Having the most powerful console doesn't mean shit if all the games still have to run on the least powerful console.

2. They have to invest in games. Halo and Gears are fine, but let's face it--they're not selling systems like they used to. With Sony bringing all sorts of amazing exclusives, Microsoft is really going to have to bring it for me to even consider getting a Scorpio. As much as I still love Halo, Halo 6 isn't going to sell me one. I'm honestly still way more interested in getting a Switch, if only just for Zelda, or a PSVR.

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