
This stupid game. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, March 11, 2017, 12:13 (2912 days ago) @ Korny

Also, the heck is a Tearblast arrow? I'm assuming they're the purple ones on the Heavy bow (which I don't have, it's Ropecaster, Tripwire, Sling, and regular bow for me).

Oh man, you're missing out. They're arrows that don't deal damage to machines, but they blast parts off of them. Taking on a Thunderjaw? Two well placed Tearblast arrows, and now it doesn't have disc launchers anymore. Glinthawk? One shot and now all its armor is gone. Ravager? One shot to blow off its cannon. Basically they're effective for stripping machines of all their armor and weapons. I pretty much start every engagement by hitting big machines with a couple of them. They don't seem to do anything to the corrupted machines though.

I'm currently rolling with the Shadow Hunter Bow, Lodge Warbow (for Freeze and Shock), Shadow Sharpshot Bow (for Tearblast and Precision arrows), and then I switch up the Lodge Ropecaster, Shadow Tripcaster, and Lodge Blastsling as needed.

I hit 31 hours of playtime last night and just finished The Grave-Hoard quest last night. That Deathbtinger fight was intense.

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