
Combat in this game just keeps getting better! (Gaming)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, March 10, 2017, 17:03 (2825 days ago) @ cheapLEY

So, I have a similar play-time to Cruel, but I finished the main story at around hour 30, and I'm getting real close to 100%ing everything in the game, including collectibles.

I tried one of the hunting trials at a pretty low level and got killed by glinthawks almost immediately, so I avoided all the other ones until two nights ago, when I went through and did all of them at once.

For me, the time pressure of the trials runs counter to the stealth mechanics and the unpredictability of the AI, so I immediately went for breaking off the Disc Launcher (the tip the keeper gives you about how to use properly use terablast arrows would have been welcome about 30 hours earlier). Fighting multiple sawtooths (sawteeth?) and an angry Thunderjaw in close quarters while trying to lug around a heavy weapon proved dang near impossible; My eventual success involved me breaking off the launcher immediately, running away and kiting everything to the opposite end of the arena, then doubling back to pick up the launcher.

Can I also say how great the names for these machines are? "Thunderjaw" is badass.

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