
For fans of The Witcher 3... (PS4) (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, February 20, 2017, 17:48 (2931 days ago) @ Korny

I think the game looks great. Jeff Gerstmann of Giant Bomb have it 5 stars. When Jeff praises a game as highly as his review does, it makes me take notice.

I still suspect, however, that trying to compare the game to The Witcher 3 is only going to lead to disappointment. Obviously it's too early to tell, but I do not think Horizon will live up to that comparison. The voice acting and facial animation don't even come close in the videos I've seen. And I'd be extremely surprised if the lore and especially world design even come close to being as deep and engaging. We all know I'm biased though.

I think it looks fun, but it looks far more Assassin's Creed or Far Cry than TW3 to my eyes. I'll definitely be picking it up next week though.

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