
Great news! Great META news! (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Monday, February 20, 2017, 16:39 (2931 days ago) @ Korny

It's great to hear that this highly anticipated game is living up to the hype.

It's even better to see that the reviewers were given permission to release those reviews before the release date.

You may know that I'm a staunch "never pre-order" supporter. I firmly believe that buying a game based on advertising instead of actual reviews is bad for the games industry as it encourages devs to put their money into ads rather than actual game development. But this sets a new precedent that is very, very good for everyone involved, especially consumers. Getting reviews out before release dates allows us to pre-order with confidence, based on the strength of the reviews rather than on the trickery of the advertising. Not only that, but it creates a space where reviewers have more time to put out quality reviews rather that same-day rush jobs, and it allows readers to have more time to read reviews from multiple people and - over time - figure out who gives reviews that most accurately reflect your opinions of games.

I'm pleasantly surprised by this unexpected development. Way to go, Horizon team.

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