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by cheapLEY @, Saturday, January 07, 2017, 13:35 (2975 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Inside is perhaps the most overhyped, overrated game this year. It's pretty, it's got great atmosphere, and that's about it.

No Man's Sky would like some words with you.

Granted, NMS survival mode is *great* now, but that patch only happened several months after release.

I guess I meant post-release. No Man's Sky was hyped before it came out, but not after anyone actually played it. Inside got very little coverage before release, but the internet in general, both consumers and critics talk about it like it's the single greatest thing ever made.

Ahh, yes. I understand now.

I can understand why people like vanilla No Man's Sky more than I can understand why people think Inside is so good.

Having not actually played Inside, I can't speak to this. It looked like Limbo but with more colors. Is that a fair assessment? Limbo was pretty neat, though, I thought.

Generally speaking, yeah, I think that's fair. It is simultaneously better and worse than Limbo. There are neat sections where things in the background play an important role, and, as simple as it sounds, it feels like a real step up from Limbo. I feel like I'm in the minority on this, but I think the puzzle design is a real step down from Limbo. It doesn't rely as much on random deaths as Limbo, which is good, but the puzzles aren't particularly difficult or particularly fun to complete. Now, for whatever it's worth, I haven't played Limbo in ages, so maybe those puzzles aren't as good as I remember, but I do remember specific examples (some of the gravity changing bits) as being really clever and fun.

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