
I feel the same way about Halo 1 Elites (Gaming)

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, January 04, 2017, 16:10 (2978 days ago) @ Funkmon

In my opinion they are still the most fun enemy Bungie has ever created. They are crafty, aggressive, they know when to back off, and they are just plain fun to fight.

I've never been satisfied fighting any other versions of the elites. All the others feel less crafty and make up for their lack of cleverness by becoming bullet sponges. Halo 1 Elites couldn't climb boxes, sure, but sometimes climbing a box in the middle of combat is a stupid move. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun killing them in Reach and Halo 2, but they just didn't seem as intelligent in the second-to-second combat.

I'm sure that the increased complexity of level geometry has something to do with the change in behavior, but I wish they could hit that mark again. Just drop the Halo CE Elite AI into a Fallen Captain and I'd be a happy camper.

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