
You guys weren't kidding about the combat system (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, November 24, 2016, 22:02 (3018 days ago) @ ZackDark

I'm having a really hard time staying alive when being mobbed, which I definitely approve after pretty much waltzing through the Arkham series and Assassin's Creed IV.

TW3's combat system gets criticized quite a bit. I get it, I suppose, but I feel like it's people that played on easier difficulties where it is all too easy to just button-mash through any encounter. Once I took the time to really learn and engage with all the systems, I thought it was a really good combat system. Maybe not perfect, but still very good.

What does Alternate Movement actually do, btw? I'm having a hard time fine-tuning Geralt's movements when walking (he seems overly eager to move), but it seems turning it off just makes harder.

I guess I don't know exactly what it does, but it feels like it kills his momentum more drastically. Without Alternate Movement turned on, Geralt lumbers and takes a few more steps even after you left off the analog stick. Alternate Movement makes that less severe. It's still not perfect, though--even with Alternate Movement turned on, you have to get used to a certain amount of momentum and learn to compensate. Quick, jerky movements just don't feel good in that game. I got used to it after a few hours.

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