
Xbox digital game deals (Gaming)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Friday, November 18, 2016, 15:15 (3025 days ago) @ Korny

Black Friday Xbox Digital Game Deals And More | - majornelson.com

If you prefer quick game switching to resellability now is the time.
Starts today for gold members. Titanfall and BF1 in some sort of bundle I can't determine to be a good deal or not…

Now I'm wishing I had missed out on the earlier Titanfall 2 deals at Target and Amazon. I would have much rather had the digital copy so I could run it on both of our Xbone consoles at once.


It's been less than a week, no? Send it back!

Already opened and played. No longer eligible for return :(

Oh well. I already feel like I got my money's worth and I haven't even touched multiplayer yet. I've still gotta get a Master difficulty run in and knock out a few more cheevos.


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