
Good stuff :) (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, November 14, 2016, 17:50 (3028 days ago) @ Korny

I must be an idiot, because igniting the gas canisters using the firewall had never occurred to me (I always just shoot them), but using the firewall like you did is a great way to set an even larger patch of earth on fire.

Plus, the Canister damage stacks with Firewall; great against Titans. Scorch is one of those underrated Titans that can be used well outside of its intended role (crowd control), since all of its abilities can stack in one small area.

If you're playing the campaign on Master difficulty, Scorch will get you through some real tough times.

That's very cool. I like using Scorch, but I just recently fell into a great rhythm with Tone and haven't tried much else since then. I'll have to take Scorch out for another test run and give it a try.

Nice ending too ;)

It's all those little moments, man...

Yep. Constantly :)

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