
Additional developments in thoughts (Gaming)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Friday, August 26, 2016, 15:15 (3108 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm thinking justified/unjustified feeling comes from the type of game it is and how much we like it. I mean no duh to the last part, so I'll elaborate on the first part:

Seems to me multiplayer games get a relative amount of grace (Overwatch, CoH2, Destiny) even if we don't agree with the micro transactions (see: Avateur's comments). Perhaps we instinctively understand supporting these games costs money, and we feel ever more grace about it when tons of stuff comes out for free (Overwatch or hell, Mass Effect 3's MP). A lot of it for me personally is "hey thanks for keeping this cool and fresh have some cash yo." It's basically tipping for good service.

Pivoting back to Deus Ex, it's a single player game where the micro transactions actively detract from the experience. In my opinion, the devs basically admitted this. It grinds my gears because a truly excellent single player game is something to behold. Half-Life. Homeworld. Civ. Wolf: The New Order, Dishonored. Pay real money to break the structure?

To quote a Scot I fancy very much, "FUCKIN... BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"

I respect this view and the rationale behind it. I'd bet good money there are people at Eidos Montreal who share this viewpoint and argued strongly against having these sorts of microtransactions, or maybe it was even worse, and this was the last stop compromise implemented to avoid something truly egregious. Sometimes the people who care about the right things just have to do what they can to eliminate any real damage. (I think there are people doing this at Bungie, too.)

Yeah, to quote another great game with a bit tongue in cheek (Bioshock), "It's better to be a hypocrite than an unemployed one."

I don't like these particular microstransactions because it does seem like they could interfere with players having the ideal experience, but if they enable players to only finish the game faster, then I don't know how much I'm willing to complain. The one thing I don't want to do is punish the studio who I think have done a good job reviving the series.

After all this, I'll probably get the game once it goes on sale. This was good conversation by the way, thanks all.

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