
A good series ruined (Gaming)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Thursday, August 25, 2016, 16:50 (3109 days ago) @ Ragashingo

But what message? That you didn't like the graphics? Or gameplay? Or micro transactions? Or system requirements? Or music? Or day one patch? Or download size?

does it matter? if they lose enough money, they will have to look into it. do polls, focus groups, whatever. look at other games that are successful, and figure something out. It's not up to me to give them $60 and hope that my microtransaction history (or lack thereof) sends a message.

If you want to send message by not buying microtransactions, that's great. If someone else wants to send a message by not buying the game, that's great too. The point is, a consumer made a choice that they feel is right for them. You coming in and saying that it's more right to buy the game first is only right for you and those that feel that way.

I personally believe shorting someone $60 sends a bigger message then shorting them $5. Whether or not they get the message is not my problem, b/c in the end, they didn't get my money. Whether or not you buy the game makes no difference to me.

TBH, i don't care about microtransactions for cosmetic stuff, i do care about things that may effect gameplay.

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