
Pro-tip: Entering Warp (Gaming)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Monday, August 08, 2016, 15:26 (3126 days ago) @ cheapLEY

This is great for just getting started faster, but it can also work to get you out of tricky situations if the enemy is swarming you. You may be pulled back out of Warp immediately, but you it's typically enough to give you a bit of distance and can usually get to Warp on the second try.

On the first try while zooming back in, the presence of enemies doesn't prevent warping?

It does, but it still gives you the full acceleration right up until you actually enter warp, so you can get some distance from them. And you can definitely enter warp at a closer range than usual. You have to be pretty far to get the prompt during gameplay, this trick works at much closer range than that (or it seems to).

This is most outstanding knowledge. Thank you.

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