
Some Random Combat Thoughts (Gaming)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Saturday, August 06, 2016, 20:50 (3128 days ago) @ someotherguy

It appears my "Rebel" decided to make his mark on the galaxy by purging any and all criminal/alien scum through blood and iron. Haha.

Getting the balance between when to let your main shields take the hit and went to throw your barrier up is super important. The right rhythm makes you nigh-invulnerable.

Flak cannons are better set to "fighters only" and set them up so you have 360 degree coverage.

Using long range anti-shield weapons then getting as close as possible might become my bread and butter. You can spam broadside fire at the cost of any accuracy. Thankfully, this is not an issue when you've shoved the guns down the throat of your foe. :D

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