Showing results 1 - 25 of 164 matches
This Week's TWAB At Bungie is tease-a-rific. I mean look at the main image! It's ripe for speculation. But anyway, topics include the new Guardian Games, a lot of Season of the Deep game lot. There's a new shader that will make you look like Goldar from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. There's a lot. I'm still scrolling down. GO READ IT!
Over the past few days, Bungie has been releasing stories leading up to Season of the Hunt. Tales of Osiris and The Crow (so far). cheapLEY has started a thread on the forum with links to each story. Grab a coffee or beverage of choice and enjoy the reading.
Bungie is celebrating Bungie Day with details about the upcoming Moments of Triumph, launching later this month. Lots of goodies, both in-game and out, are or will soon be available - go read for more details! The Bungie Store has special items available (history suggests you should buy soon if you're interested), and the post also contains some great-looking Forsaken-themed wallpapers. Happy Bungie Day!
Stuntmutt just made me sad...
The first commercial collaborations mentioned with respect to Destiny 2 involved Pop-Tarts and Rockstar energy drinks. Stuntmutt had a comment.
Stuntmutt stands with a hefty portion of the fanbase when it comes to a non-speaking player character in Destiny 2...
Looks like Stuntmutt is enjoying his time in the Destiny 2 Beta!
It's Vault of Farce Friday! Time to see what Stuntmutt has been cooking up under that shell of his...
P.S.: This is a friendly reminder to always check the file names for Vault of Farce images. ;-)
It's Friday! Sounds like the Destiny 2 Warlock changes are causing Stuntmutt to contemplate his role in the universe.
Looks like Stuntmutt is switching to Castilian Spanish.
Stuntmutt Sez:
And this week, I got a Zaouli's Bane. Like I didn't already have enough trouble hitting my target...
Stuntmutt seems pleased with the recent announcements.
Destiny Update 2.6.0 has landed, and the Age of Triumph is upon us! Patch notes are available on, (and CyberKN posted a version in our forum, too). A little late, but there's a local version in our Patch Note Archive now, as well.
And if you’re in the shopping mood, the Bungie Store has updated its stock as well; some new posters, AoT gear, and a few oldies have been refreshed.
It may seem like old news now, but Age of Triumph lands later today along with Update 2.6.0! Bungie has posted some helpful information to their Destiny Server and Update Status page with scheduled timelines for Destiny, Companion App, and maintenance, so please give it a read if you’re having trouble connecting today.
The update should start deploying at 10am Pacific, so get out there and start your victory laps, Guardians!
Stuntmutt sez:
FWC rolling in, what I believe young people refer to as, 'da Benjamins'.
(If you haven't played a lot of crucible in the past couple of weeks, you might not have noticed the new Sidearm hotness... or the near-god-roll specimen available from Lakshmi-2. The rest of us have, though.)
Stuntmutt has noticed some... unhappiness in the Destiny universe this week.
Stuntmutt's back, with a fond farewell look at a Crucible favorite. Shotpun, indeed.
Stuntmutt sez:
So the gag I wanted to do was Xur saying "If I have 50 3oC's in my inside pocket and 125 in my outside pocket, what do I have?" To which the answer is of course, "Someone else's coat."
But they're back in stock. So...
Stuntmutt says:
That nice Mr Errera tagged me in a Facebook post about puns earlier this week. I took it as encouragement..."
From Stuntmutt:
I was expecting to hear about SRL.
Instead it was a race for who could complain about Rift IB first...
Stuntmutt, despite living in the UK, has managed to work a uniquely American form of insanity into his latest strip. #hattip [Update: Stuntmutt informs me that Black Friday isn't as American as I thought it was. Sorry, world.]
After last week’s Iron Banner, Stuntmutt has Clever Dragons and Silvered Dreads aplenty. But even so...
We considered increasing the intellectual value of the content we bring you... but then Stuntmutt sent us the latest Vault of Farce. Yeah, we've given up.