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Just a quick heads-up that we've posted a local copy of our photos from the "Ghosts in the Machine" concept art gallery that opened on Thursday in Seattle.
Ooh, this is really cool (and another event that makes me sad I don't live anywhere near Seattle): a coming exhibit at the LTD Gallery in Seattle is going to be full of beautiful art from Bungie. Thanks for pointing it out in our forums, broony!
The Destiny twitter feed posted that the Destiny fan art gallery is now complete - go check out all the awesome community art. Nice!
The site continues to grow, and evolve - just yesterday, we settled on a logo, and today, we launch the first of what will hopefully be a myriad of galleries (artwork, screenshots, fan creations, you name it). This time out, it's material you've seen before - we're putting up our copy of the announce assets. (You may not have seen these SIZES before; Fireteam is nearly 10,000 pixels across in its full glory.) Keep an eye on that new link in the header - we hope to add more content there shortly!