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Showing results 26 - 50 of 116 matches

Bungie Bounty: TTL Gunslingers


The latest Bungie Bounty is on the TTL Gunslingers tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th, at 6:00 PM Pacific time. If you can best them in Control, you've got a chance at a very unique emblem.

Leviathan | Feb 17, 2015 10:12 am | link

Dads Versus Crota

The Bungie Bounty is on a mystical, satanic creature this week - Crota himself. The Dads of Destiny, alongside three Bungie representatives including Urk, will take a step into the darkness and see if they can emerge victorious at 8:30 PM Pacific. You can watch via Bungie's Live Stream. (Thanks Pete)

Leviathan | Feb 11, 2015 02:08 pm | link

An Invigorated Bungie Bounty


Tonight, starting at 7:00 PM pacific, you'll have the opportunity (if you can get matched with them) to beat Deej and the Invigorate clan on the PS4 Control playlist for a special emblem. Read here for details and a link to the stream.

TAGS: bungie, bounty, ps4
Leviathan | Feb 4, 2015 01:10 pm | link

DBO Bounty Cashed In

The DBO Admin Team challenged the Destiny Community last night in the Crucible, and despite DeeJ's best efforts, we managed to deny most fireteams of the exclusive loot. One fireteam who did manage to secure the bounty though was from our very own forums! Beorn has posted the match on Youtube:

And Ragashingo has his own... interesting... take on the match:

"Last night a top flight fireteam from the website Destiny.Bungie.Org (not to be confused with, the official website of Bungie Inc. the company that created classic games like Marathon, Myth, Oni, and Halo) gathered on the aging Xbox 360 platform and hunted for what is known as the Bungie Bounty. In said bounty, a team needed to be randomly matched up with the designated bounty team and beat them in a round of Destiny's (Bungie's newest game) multiplayer mode known as The Crucible.

Defending the bounty (and representing the forces of The Darkness (THE DARKNESS! THE DARKNESS!) were Louis Wu (AKA: Claude, looooong time head honcho at (which should still not be confused with, Beorn (a webdesigner best known for (that could be true!)), XenosKB (the fastest news gather in the north, south, east, west, and middle!), Gwath Gil (aka: Leviathan, perhaps best known for his new and ongoing indie comic Mayflower(, and Malagate (the guy not sporting a Bungie related emblem...). Also with them was DeeJ, Bungie's (.net's not .org's) esteemed community manager.

Representing the forces of The Light were: Up North 65, Speedracer513, BeardFade, ChaosSociety, iconicbanana, and the every popular, beloved, fantastic storyteller and all around great guy Ragashingo.

The battle between these two diametrically opposed forces was a tense one with the lead shifting back and forth multiple times. Fortunately, for all concerned, The Light, a team consisting entirely of Hunters as they were hunting for the Bungie Bounty, prevailed and banished The Darkness (THE DARKNESS! THE DARKNESS!) back to the shadows. Notable moments were where multiple members of The Darkness (THE DARKNESS! THE DARKNESS!) flung themselves off the play area realizing that it was the better way to go, and Beorn's especially bad aim with rockets that let at least three members of The Light live to fight on.

While things started out bleak for The Light, they eventually managed to rally in the third half of the match with their hero, Ragashingo, delivering the last kill of the game against cheating Mythoclast user Beorn with his trusty modified Tex Mechanica hand cannon "The Last Word."

It truly was the last word, at least for the forces of The Light who graciously stepped out of matchmaking giving those who sided with The Darkness (THE DARKNESS! THE DARKNESS!) a much needed, easy, soothing win."

Say goodbye, Ragashingo.

Xenos | Jan 29, 2015 08:33 am | link

Bungie Pentathlon 2014-2015

Speaking of pentathlons, Bungie had their annual event last week. If you're not familiar with it, it's a long-running tradition of forming the studio into teams based on seniority and letting have at each other in a number of different games (by Bungie and by others). This Bungie.Net article will introduce you to the teams and the games, and you can look back on Bungie's Twitter to see who won what!

Leviathan | Jan 18, 2015 06:24 pm | link

Hunt Bungie Tonight on Xbox One

Bungie announced the details for today's Bungie Bounty. Nate Hawbaker, Javier Burgos, and DeeJ will be playing Skirmish tonight on the Xbox One. Jump in the playlist with a couple of friends and hunt them down to win the exclusive emblem!

TAGS: Bungie, bounty
Xenos | Sep 25, 2014 10:48 am | link

Sign of the Opposing Will

We may be too busy playing Destiny or travelling at the moment to be able to bring to light all of the various news tidbits for the front page, but the least we can do is echo Bungie.Net.

Bungie's entering the wild of the Crucible, which means you'll have a chance to shame them with a defeat (if you don't waste your Arcblade running frantically amok in what turns out to be empty rooms like I do). Read their whole post to find out how exactly to earn the emblem and who you need to look for! Tonight they're tackling Clash on the PS4, but they'll be hitting all playlists and platforms eventually.

Leviathan | Sep 18, 2014 09:27 am | link

Upgrade Your Armor In Real Life

SigbiasSilva drew our attention to the new gear available at the Bungie Store. Some lovely stuff in there and plenty of excuses to get a little poorer! Now I wonder if the Bungie Store has its own Cryptarch?

Leviathan | Sep 8, 2014 08:38 pm | link

Into the Maw of Bellevue

Wow. Bungie's opening their office doors to the fans the day before Destiny hits! If you're one of the first 300 attendees, you "stand a good chance" of coming inside and taking part in a tour and a Crucible match - Monday, September 8th, from Noon to Five. Oh, to live in Seattle...

You’re invited to be our guest, right here at Bungie. We’re throwing our doors open wide. Come and see where we work. Meet the people who have prepared Destiny for launch. Put your skills to the test in our arena. While you wait for your turn, anything can happen. It is, after all, a public event."

SigbiasSilva was first on our forum to post about it!

Leviathan | Sep 4, 2014 07:37 pm | link

Valhalla, I Am Coming!

Bungie just posted a new live action trailer! Go watch a fireteam tear across the frontier with their guns and space magic! (GrimBrother IV pointed it out on the forums also)

Xenos | Sep 4, 2014 10:23 am | link

Jump In. The Water's Fine.

Bungie themselves posted a short (but pretty sweet) teaser for the Beta - if you need your whistle whet, this is just the clip to do it!

Claude Errera | Jul 18, 2014 12:13 am | link

Tweetin' the News

If you're planning on participating in the Beta, you should keep a close eye on the Bungie Twitter feed - there are lots of useful Tweets that will keep you up to speed on all sorts of things. (Some are retweets of relevant posts from other feeds.) Examples below:

TAGS: bungie, tweets
Claude Errera | Jul 16, 2014 01:10 pm | link

Happy Bungie Day!

It's July 7, otherwise known as Bungie Day, and Bungie's got a boatload of info for you. Here's what's on tap:

  • There will be three separate Collectors' Editions of Destiny, come September (they're all available for all four release platforms):

    1. The Limited Edition ($100) contains a SteelBook case and game disc, a leatherbound folio with background info (a field guide, stickers, and more), plus digital content including the Destiny Expansion Pass (2 new missions) and exclusive emblems/skins/etc.
    2. The Ghost Edition ($150) contains everything in the Limited Edition, plus a Ghost replica and some extra paper content.
    3. The Digital Guardian Edition ($90) contains all the non-physical contents of the Limited Edition.
    You will also be able to buy the Expansion Pass separately for $35, or the individual missions for $20 each. IGN has an 'unboxing' video showing off the content for all three editions if you want specifics.

  • Bungie wishes you a Happy Bungie Day. This is just a short thank-you to fans who've inspired them to strive harder. (There is a surprising amount of pushback right now in our forum about this - there is a feeling by Xbox owners that it's not really a 'Bungie Day', but a 'PlayStation-owning Bungie Fan Day' - which really doesn't roll quite so smoothly off the tongue.)

  • There are finally details about the upcoming Beta. (This, too, is causing some consternation.) For Playstation owners, the Beta will be available for a maximum of 9 playable days. For Xbox owners, this total is 5 days. (Both numbers might be decreased by the realities of distribution - experience has taught us that 'Starts on X day' can mean 'by the time you get the thing downloaded, it's X+1 day'.) No matter what platform you play on, this article will help you plan out your options.

Linked in almost every single page mentioned above is the new Destiny Official Beta Trailer, which is more than 2 minutes long and chock-full of new tidbits to pore over. We've embedded it below, but you can, of course, find copies in our Official Video collection, for future use. Happy Bungie Day!

TAGS: bungieday
Claude Errera | Jul 7, 2014 11:48 am | link

Bungie Store Reopens

The Bungie Store reopened recently - and Bungie has now pointed that out in a newspost on No better time to pick up your Destiny-themed duds! (How come there's no male version of the House of Devils Tank? That's what I want to know!) Thanks, kidtsunami.

TAGS: bungie, swag
Claude Errera | Jun 19, 2014 03:00 pm | link

10 Things You Might Have Missed

Over on reddit, Fuzzle_hc put together a collection of tidbits that show off things that you may have missed from the website reboot - there are some interesting questions being asked! Check it out. (Thanks, rliebherr.)

Claude Errera | Apr 25, 2014 09:27 am | link

The Guardian's Website Has New Clothes


Bungie has dolled up the new home on the interwebs for all things Destiny, as DestinyTheGame is now live, updated, and looking downright gorgeous. Take some time to go and explore, and further whet your appetite for Bungie's brave new world! Xenos has started a discussion on our forums about it if you want like-minded folks to gush with. Check it out!

GrimBrother One | Apr 22, 2014 06:43 pm | link

Everything Must Go

DeeJ posted a quick note to the Bungie Blog today - it seems the Bungie Store will temporarily close for renovations in order to prepare the way for a new wave of loot. If you have your eye on something from the store's current stockpile of gear, you should grab it before Midnight (PST) this Friday!

ncsuDuncan | Mar 31, 2014 07:56 pm | link

"There Be (Space) Dragons"

Well I'm not sure that exact phrase will be on it , but Bungie's confirmed some form of map in Destiny:

"Planning" could imply just a traditional use of a map, or it could mean interactivity, like customizable waypoints a la ODST. Perhaps more? Go discuss/speculate in our forum.

Leviathan | Mar 4, 2014 03:47 pm | link

Broken Promises of a Fallen Captain Roar

The new Bungie Podcast is out and is well worth your auditory investment, as Deej, Urk, and Halcylon talk holiday breaks, winter builds, Deej's memorial, and side-stepping supers with special guests Tyson Green and Lars Bakken, who specialize in making a game you'll want to fall in love with over and over again. It's an awesome listen, so go download it already!

GrimBrother One | Jan 16, 2014 07:52 pm | link

Beautiful Reasons to Haul Uranus Around the Solar System

Bungie art director Christopher Barrett is back with the Game Informer crew breaking down the incredible locations you'll visit around the solar system when you pop Destiny into your disc tray. No word on whether or not GI can be held legally responsible for the damage my drool has now caused my laptop keyboard. Thanks a lot guys. Anyway... GO CHECK IT OUT!

GrimBrother One | Dec 20, 2013 11:10 am | link

Bungie Requisitions - Shepard's Favorite Store In The Tower

Bungie tweeted that their store's on sale today (20% off everything) - there should still be some time left if you're reading this post, depending on your time zone, of course. There's also a handful of recent additions to the store, especially if your Guardian's thirsty.

Leviathan | Dec 2, 2013 09:39 pm | link

Call in the Pod Squad

The Bungie Podcast is back, and with a considerable vengeance! Bless your earholes with the dulcet sound of the Bungie crew talking guns, guns, and more guns. It's been far too long to wait, but it's far to good to miss. Go listen now!

GrimBrother One | Sep 24, 2013 11:20 am | link

Buckets of Sweat, FNG's, and Indie Shout-outs

The latest Mail Sack is up at; get a taste of company culture and hear what the team is playing lately.

(ht: Xenos in the forums.)

Malagate | Sep 20, 2013 07:32 pm | link

Destiny Drawing Board: Duke MK.44

The latest Destiny Drawing Board is up on the Bungie Blog, featuring the Duke MK.44; a trusty piece of iron perfect for new Guardians out to split some wigs.

Malagate | Sep 12, 2013 02:16 pm | link

Taming the Beast

bungie_mailsack.jpgThe latest Bungie Mail Sack was opened yesterday, and the goodies poured out as usual - much of the Q&A focused on Germany and Gamescom, but PAX got some love, too. Go give it a read! (And thanks to INSANEdrive, for picking out some interesting bits...)

TAGS: bungie, mail, sack
Claude Errera | Sep 7, 2013 05:00 pm | link

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