So . . . How was PAX? (DBO)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, September 17, 2015, 22:36 (3363 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I know it's been a while now, but I know that some DBOers were going to PAX and doing a meet up.

Some DBOers went to PAX, we did a meet up (well, more than one, but one was specifically DBO-related)... it was fun. :)

Some Bungie folks (old and new) showed - Mat Noguchi was there with his brother (and almost no anger), Derek Caroll was there for a little while, John Stvan (Halcylon) showed up at the end... Hardy Lebel showed up and talked old-school stuff... but mostly it was DBOers talking, eating, drinking, bowling. (The service was some of the worst I've ever experienced, but that didn't really take away from the fun too much.)

(I'm pretty sure there were other Bungie folks I'm forgetting right now. Sorry to anyone I missed!)

Large numbers of DBOers (relatively speaking) were at the Bungie bash on Friday night - and that was a lot of fun, too. Jason Jones held court (as much as he could, without getting overwhelmed), tons of Bungie guys were on hand to chat with fans and dish minor secrets (which need to stay secrets, or that sort of thing simply stops happening), free booze always makes for interesting times. (Well, free for US, anyway. DeeJ had to pay the tab.)

There were lots of smaller gatherings, and it was great to put names to faces (or, more accurately, faces to names) - I met SpeedRacer513, marmot 1333, and MacAddictXIV for the first time, reconnected with folks like SteelGaribaldi, and hung out with the Schooly D crowd some.

Overall, a blast. :)

I sortof though someone would do a writeup and clue us plebes that can't afford to fly across the country how it was! :P

This isn't much of a writeup - sorry. :(

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