
here's something at least

by davidfuchs ⌂, USA, Wednesday, June 05, 2013, 15:41 (4000 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan

Crap, I just realized that E3 starts earlier than I thought and thus it wouldn't be much use. Here's what I could get done in less than an hour during my lunch break.


Well there's always a chance we won't have video ready to post right on the 10th (depending on if/when we record something worth sharing and find the time to edit and upload it) so be sure to check this thread after you're back from your vacation!

(Also, that clip you posted looks great - if you can find a way to get that file, I'd love to have it on hand in case we decide to go with this one and you're not back yet.)

You'd have to rip it from YouTube. I didn't have time before my flight to upload a better version, can do so Monday evening EST.

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