
Your Favorite Game Moments (And some random other thoughts) (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 22:55 (3389 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Mike Tyson

I was 8, having broken my arm over the summer so I had a huge cast on. It took some getting used to playing with it.. Anyway, my dad was a big fan of Mike Tyson's Punch out, but I kind of pulled ahead of him in terms of progression. He hadn't ever beat the Great Tiger, and I meanwhile was on Mike Tyson. In round two, I managed to TKO Tyson, and I remember screaming "DAD! I BEAT MIKE TYSON!", and he screamed back "YOU BEAT MIKE TYSON!?" and got out of bed to come see the end. The NES was in the spare bedroom, and my mother had a headache, and heard everything. She did not appreciate that, and got very upset later.

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