Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it? (Destiny)

by j41m3z @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:56 (3410 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Aside from the obvious Bungie/Halo/Destiny. History,not having school (at least for the next year), playing with and the rest of Phantom Pikes

So, how about dislikes?

Waking up early. Not going to Comic-Con again.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Of all time N64. But the Xbox family led to play with a lot of new people.

Cake or pie?


Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Phantom Pikes and anyone else on my friends list.

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