Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it? (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 02:34 (3501 days ago)

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Well, I like Bungie. My first Bungie game was Oni. My first Bungie love was Halo. I really enjoy Destiny. I play as a Titan, and I have never created a secondary character. I particularly enjoy playing the Raids and the Crucible, especially with friends and DBO in general, and I feel like Trials does more than enough to satiate my competitive drive. Although I love my Blacksmith shader, in the past two months, I randomly obtained the Substance 321 shader and the Thunderdevil shader. Wearing nothing but Trials vendor armor, I sometimes like to pretend that I am an instrument of the light and the Traveler when vanquishing foes, or that I am death itself delivering despair and destruction upon whatever steps into my path. And then Trials dropped Aaru's Passage this past week and turned me into a shiny, golden warrior, and now it's my favorite shader.

I'm an all-around gamer who enjoys playing for fun, for stupid (betraying teammates while being betrayed and laughing with friends yet still trying to win the game), and playing ultra-competitively. Whether it's a game like Viva Piñata or a game like Halo 3, I'm usually more than happy to play. All genres, all styles.

I also really like writing, editing, and workshopping other writing. As part of this, I really enjoy reading (though I don't read as often as I should or am able, admittedly). I positively love the Grimoire, the Marathon Terminals, and the Halo 3 Terminals.

So, how about dislikes?

These aren't supposed to be the emphasis of this thread, so I'll just throw out a few things:

No checkpoints in PoE, lack of story in Destiny, Star Wars prequels, 343 Industries, the fact that there are three Hobbit films (totally unnecessary in my opinion), and the Yankees (yeah I said it).

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Is it even fair to ask anyone, let alone myself, to pick just one? What a nightmare. I feel like my N64 has to win out. I adored my Sega, and I definitely have more games and have put more time into my 360 than probably any other console, but I can't rule against Nintendo on this one.

Cake or pie?

What a stupid argument, right? Give me both.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

This question isn't meant to be divisive, to offend, or to omit people. Sometimes, recognizing someone or saying something nice can be beneficial. While I enjoy reading just about everyone's posts, I really enjoy clicking on Padraig's posts. Did Marty get a new job?! Nope, it's some TSD thing. DID MARTY GET A NEW JOB THIS TIME FOR REAL?! Nope. SO MAD RIGHT NOW. Yet oddly cracking up at the same time. Brilliant. And his write-ups are fun. And his endless smiles and laughter are fun. And Space Jam. Even when it's completely random, it's awesome. Thanks for being you, Padraig. You rock.

Welp, I hope this gets the ball rolling in some good, fun, and interesting ways. Sound off peoples!

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by CrazedOne, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:19 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur



Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Miguel Chavez, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:21 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by Miguel Chavez, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:31

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

I'll stick with our common area here. Videogames - so yes, I like playing videogames with friends, or solo. Destiny is my concentration right now.

Well, I'll add this. Lately I've let my beard grow thick and then I goof around and shave it all weird like, then I forget I did it, walk into a job and folks look at me funny. If I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, or Lancaster PA, I'd probably fit right in.

So, how about dislikes?

No checkpoints in PoE, lack of story in Destiny, Star Wars prequels, 343 Industries, the fact that there are three Hobbit films (totally unnecessary in my opinion), and the Yankees (yeah I said it).

I've never touched Skolas PoE since I need folks that will stick with it for the hours I hear it takes. Hasn't happened yet. So I can't comment on checkpoints - I hear folks don't like it though. Lack of tangible story in Destiny? Not a dislike but certainly something I notice as not being 'fed' to me. I don't mind having to reach out and grab it myself though. So no, not a dislike. I only like the Prequels because they put the original trilogy in such sharp relief. I wonder if without those films if after all these years we'd have found the original series old and as cheesy as they actually are? I don't mind 343, I know some of the folks that work there and they're cool people. Hobbit films don't bother me and just an observation but your dislike of the Yankees makes you an Honorary Queens NYC resident. Welcome.

I don't like running ahead of myself and ruining an experience. No fun.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

All time would have to be the original Xbox, just for what it did to my life. Sega Dreamcast would be a close second.

Cake or pie?

What a stupid argument, right? Give me both.


Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

This is not a judgmental thing, it's just more of habit - I'll click on Claude and Kermit right away. Mainly because their posts will do a good job of summarizing all the other posts around them. So it's a quick way to get the gist of what's going on. But that said, I do rely on clicking on the 'open in thread' button, which just means I'm seeing everyone's post all at once. But I can get easily overwhelmed and just miss things. And there are plenty of other people who do post w/ substance so I'll eventually click on everyone's post.

- M


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 04:09 (3501 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

I've never touched Skolas PoE since I need folks that will stick with it for the hours I hear it takes.

Kermit has a thing in 19 hours you could do. When I've done it it's only taken 2 hours or so. A long time, to be sure, but not unmanageable.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:14 (3501 days ago) @ Funkmon

I've never touched Skolas PoE since I need folks that will stick with it for the hours I hear it takes.

Kermit has a thing in 19 hours you could do. When I've done it it's only taken 2 hours or so. A long time, to be sure, but not unmanageable.

I really wanted to sign up for that, but I had already created a Crota run not too long after, which *ahem* still has some open spots.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:32 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes?

Puppies, friendship and long walks by the beach.

Heh, no.

Cake or pie?

Chicken pot pie. Because I love saying it out loud (in English) and because it is damn tasty.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Wait, you're telling me people don't read up every single post? I'm alone in this?

(If you're serious, I'll post some serious answers later)

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Avateur @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 04:12 (3501 days ago) @ ZackDark

(If you're serious, I'll post some serious answers later)

I am being serious, but your answers were still fun lol


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by cheapLEY @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:45 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Obviously I like Bungie. Started with the original Halo and never looked back. Played some Marathon after playing Halo. I enjoyed it, but obviously don't have the love for that other folks do. It was an interesting look at Halo's roots for me.

Destiny is awesome, duh. I play it a lot. A big shout out to Kermit for hosting Co-Op nights on Tuesdays; I always have a blast with those, no matter who the Random Team Generator places me with. :)

The Last of Us was probably my favorite game of all of the last generation. It was incredible for all the obvious story reason, but the gameplay really sucked me in. Never before have I really felt like the character I was playing, scarred for my life, making use of very limited resources. Often times finding a way to completely avoid an encounter felt like such a huge win, and that was great. It's how it would really go down, you know, if zombies were real. You would Resident Evil your way through the middle of them, you would try and avoid them entirely. For whatever reason, that game just spoke to me.

I'm currently trying to find time to play and finish The Witcher 3. It's my first Witcher game, and it makes me regret that. It's fantastic. I've played for something like 80 hours now, and I just got to Kaer Morhen (and did like no side quests in Skellige; I need to go back and do them, and tie up a lot of loose ends in Velen). Despite it's flaws, the game is just great. The world building of that game is something all RPGs should aspire to.

I also have a lot of optimism for Halo 5 based on what I've seen. I watched the E3 demo, but haven't paid attention since then, and am probably not going to until release. Despite not being Bungie's baby anymore, I still love Halo; I don't think that'll ever change.

So, how about dislikes?

Going to the DMV. Paying to put gas in my car. Not having enough time in the day. Not looking like Ryan Gosling.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

That changes based on the time of day. I'd probably have to go with the N64, since that's what started it all for me (along with Ocarina of Time), but a strong case could be made for the original Xbox.

Cake or pie?

Cake is only okay. Pumpkin Pie, however, is the best dessert on the planet. If you disagree, I will fight you right now.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Honestly, I don't really feel like I favor anyone's posts. I read pretty much everything. Claude's would probably be the obvious.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:52 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

In Destiny, its gotta be crucible. I was horrible at first, but I kept trying and finally everything just clicked. I love tinkering with builds and weapons, trying to find the right fit for my playstyle. I will usually play with a different gun every round just to mix it up. Also, Stats. I really like seeing trends, and trying to interpret data to verify suspicions. It was cool to see how my prediction about Zero and Squid being top notch PvPers was really true. :) Kuddos guys.

Outside of Destiny. I like guns, go figure. My fav is my Marlin 17HMR. I would equate it to Praedyth's Revenge. It has no recoil, low impact, but makes heads explode. Just not with fire :(

So, how about dislikes?

My Destiny dislike list is very slim. Connection issues is probably my number 1. Error codes and invincible players are the most frustrating thing for me.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Uhhh... I'd have to say Xbone for one single reason. It has become the console that has allowed me to meet some great friends here a DBO. I guess this rolls back into Destiny likes as well. This has become such a social game and I really like that. Also it has become really easy to record and share videos too.

Cake or pie?

Is Cakepie a thing?

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Banana and Funk. Those guys always crack me up. I also click on Claude's posts, cuz he's like the Godfather around here. (that's why Xenos was afraid to take him out :)

Finally, I think its a good thing you've suggested, meaning this thread. Time to heal the wounds and move on. I've been thinking about making my first montage and I may ask for help. I also think it would be cool to collaborate on one too. I'm more of an idea guy and I have preschool skills with graphic/video editing. But if anyone is willing to put in the time, I'll help anyway I can.

Well I gotta "try" to get some rest. Got a big day of Trials tomorrow.


CakePie is a thing.

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:35 (3501 days ago) @ red robber

Cake or pie?

Is Cakepie a thing?

Turns out it is.

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by j41m3z @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:56 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Aside from the obvious Bungie/Halo/Destiny. History,not having school (at least for the next year), playing with and the rest of Phantom Pikes

So, how about dislikes?

Waking up early. Not going to Comic-Con again.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Of all time N64. But the Xbox family led to play with a lot of new people.

Cake or pie?


Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Phantom Pikes and anyone else on my friends list.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 01:59 (3500 days ago) @ j41m3z



Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by UnrealCh13f @, San Luis Obispo, CA, Friday, July 31, 2015, 03:59 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by UnrealCh13f, Friday, July 31, 2015, 04:03

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?


First, how about your likes?

Shooting virtual people via the "Internet", sitting at the beach, and drinking beer occasionally.

So, how about dislikes?

The state of this forum at the moment. Much hate. So drama.

...and Country music.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

That one console that was disliked by the Sony community 10 years ago. They said something about looking at it, turning 360 degrees, and walking away. Woah, shots fired.

Cake or pie?

Well I mean, cake is awesome since it's so soft and sweet, but pie has that flavor and crunchiness I'm looking for.


Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Any Paddy post with a clickbait title. Remember when Marty was ACTUALLY hired at 343? That turned some heads!


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Friday, July 31, 2015, 04:26 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

Cake or pie?

What a stupid argument, right? Give me both.




Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Up North 65 @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 05:03 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

AIrplanes, motors, bikes (motorized or not), Scaling mountains, Beer, Beating my head against a wall with Robot, Beer and motors, Land Cruisers, Beer, Planes, Shooting Squirrels while on XBL, Beer, Guns, Butchering the french language with Nico, Shoulder charge/Shotgun/ Little bit-o-lag Titan romp fests.

Pink, vodka, Cheap plastic rain coats, bad beer, Boats, Idiot drivers, Funkmons internet connection, Paying rent, the french

Best video game platform:
I had a Tamagotchi that was awesome

Cake Or Beef Cake?


I allways check out what the 3604lyfers post but generally check what everybody has to say. Except that claude guy (I heard that he uses an pseudonym on XBL and how can you trust someone like that?)


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Friday, July 31, 2015, 10:18 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes?

In Destiny it's gotta be Crucible. Like Robber I was absolutely terrible at first. I have never ever played a pvp shooter before and the learning curve was super high for me. I stayed away from it after my first few experiences vowing never to go back in but got so bored with basic patrols and strikes that I needed something else. Crucible filled that void. I worked my ass off to 'master' (granted im still at the botton of the DBO boards) my hand cannon, and even longer with my shotgun. I took a lot of time watching other players and how they would use tactics in pvp to come out on top. Learned a lot here just reading other posts about engagements that people were in.

I also love running with other DBO'ers. It makes my night when I can get a full team in the Crucible and we just have a blast. This is my first game that I have played with friends. I solo'd all the Bioshocks but those were the first things I ever played. I have immensely enjoyed a community that I feel very much a part of that I never have to feel like I am not a 'good enough player' to be apart of.

In the outside world I am an eclectic nightmare. I go about a million miles a minute and never slow down. Reading is my first love, I go through probably about 20-30 books a month.
I love American Horror Story and currently am watching Sons of Anarchy season 1.
I work in a photography studio on the weekends with a team of women I absolutely love.
I work in the haunted house industry and travel around the country working at haunted houses each Halloween season.
I also work with a program called Ironwood Wolves (yes they're very real) where we train ambassador wolves for photography, film and educational programs.

So, how about dislikes?

I hate that I can't buy a Grimoire book yet. I love the lore but the second I read those damn cards it just goes right out of my head. I also can't stand that you can't have a full 12 person team for Crucible matches. I also can't stand the warlock overshield because I constantly think I have a kill and that damn thing pops up. I hate Cauldron because it's a laggy and defective SOB. I dislike the tower and feel that there's never enough to do there. I wish they would have little puzzles or something to play on or more things you could interact with. I dislike that there are no checkpoints in POE which discourages me from playing it.

In the outside world I dislike sloth, boring people, too much sun, golf and basketball, and celery.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

PS4. I will let you know more if I ever get to experience another console. I have an XB1 but I think I have fired it up all of once.

Cake or pie?

Pie anytime. Cake only if it has no frosting.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Chaos because we play together a lot. Kermit because I am always very interested in hearing his take on things. Padraig and Korny because it's always worth it. Cody because I like to watch the world burn.

Im one of those people that reads every single thing though, I don't miss a thread, even if I never comment on it.



Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, July 31, 2015, 11:08 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Guns. Shooting things. Shooting Bones 153 (aka Bonehelm)

So, how about dislikes?

Bones. He's just the worst.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

My uncle lived and worked as an oilman in Saudi Arabia when I was a kid. Every Christmas he would bring me these weird consoles from over there that had hundreds of pirated games loaded on them. Lots of Atari, Nintendo, and obscure games. Also some games in Arabic. Many of them had weird mods. Those things were a blast.

Cake or pie?


Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

I only read my own posts.

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by petetheduck, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:10 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes?

I primarily like cooperative experiences and the occasional competitive experience when I have the odds stacked in my favor by rolling with a great team.

I also like oddball fun, hence all the Forge fun back in Halo. I miss Forge..

I don't have as much time for gaming as I used to, but even back then I would always tend to play a very limited number of games. I don't go out and buy the latest greatest, even when it is highly praised and something I would probably enjoy. Instead I tend to stick to a couple key franchises, and Bungie has been at the core of that since Halo.

I'm looking forward to Mirror's Edge and will be watching Halo 5's launch to see if I can jump back in on that franchise. I would jump on another Half-Life or Titanfall game.

So, how about dislikes?

That all progress in Destiny can be permanently erased by holding X for a few seconds on the login screen. Bungie expects us to invest, they need to protect that investment server-side.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Xbox 360, I guess. I mean, I prefer new stuff, and I'm happy playing Xbox One, but the interface is really bad.

Cake or pie?

The best is chocolate cheesecake

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Claude and you. It's even better when you guys are replying to each other.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by ProbablyLast, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:30 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

Likes: Destiny. Mostly the raids, but I just really, really like the way the game plays. Strikes with random stipulations is always fun, my favorite was a melee only run I did with Funk on Devil's Lair. That poor random had to think we were idiots.

Dislikes: The current endgame content. I just don't like the set up of prison of writers and Trials doesn't appeal to be because I'm awful at any form of competitive multiplayer. I have high hopes for the next raid.

Favorite console of all time is probably the N64 with the 360 being close behind it solely due to how much I loved the controller.

Pie. Sweet Potato, to be exact.

I read everyone's posts and I enjoy most of them. I didn't even really have a problem with the giant Cody thread, was an entertaining read.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 31, 2015, 12:53 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Bungie. Favorite game of all time is probably Chrono Trigger. I love movies, reading, and TV.

So, how about dislikes?

I don't want to hurt people's feelings ;)

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Dreamcast. Greatest console ever made.

Cake or pie?

Well, I only like two kinds of pie: hot and cold.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Most days I read every new post on the forum, but if for some reason I have been away for awhile I'll always read the posts of people that I play with regularly, you guys know who you are.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, July 31, 2015, 13:38 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

When it comes to gaming my favorite thing in the world is play with or against people in the same room. That means LAN parties or playing co-op with a group of people. My favorite experiences has been playing Dungeon Defenders, Borderlands, Halo (all of them) and DotA with friends. Nothing beats the commentary and general mayham and fun that goes along with it. I still remember the good ol' Halo 1 LAN Parties. Those were the days.

I love reading books, I decided I would read all 6 books from the Dune series. It's Hard. But I've always read books and I plan to keep doing it. Also, as much as I love my electronics, I love to going into the middle of the woods and just enjoying the scenery. Which could be backpacking or just hiking.

And nothing makes me feel more like a bad-ass than playing some Ultimate Frisbee. And no, I don't play as well as them, but I love the sport.
Cheaters. People who take the easy route when it means screwing other people over. In fact, I just like people who do things while not considering how it might affect other people.

Cake or pie?
Cheese Cake is the only cake to consider, but there are so many good pies as well.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?
Finwe, mostly cause he is my bro and when he says something it normally puts a lot of thought into it. But pretty much I click on all the things.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 31, 2015, 13:53 (3501 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Cake or pie?
Cheese Cake is the only cake to consider, but there are so many good pies as well.

And let's be honest, Cheesecake is really a pie. It has crust, soft filling, and no flour. At most you could call it a torte.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, July 31, 2015, 15:15 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by Kermit, Friday, July 31, 2015, 15:41

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Bungie, Flannery O'Connor, Indian food. (Three things never listed together in the history of the universe.)

Big Bungie fan since Marathon. They've been the center of my gaming universe for 20 years! Have branched out in the latter half of that time period. The Last of Us is my favorite game of all time simply because it's the first one that pulled off what I've been hoping to see in a game since forever--fully realized characters that develop in the same way that characters develop in great fiction. I've said a lot lately about what I like about Destiny so I won't rehash, but there's something about the way Bungie games look and how they control. No one does it better.

Theater mode. I want to make another comic, and it's the only way I know how.

Kind of a film buff, too. Today BRAZIL is my favorite movie (because that's what popped into my head). Ask me tomorrow and I'll probably have a different answer.

Wrote a lot when I was younger, and I'm always trying to get back to it. Can't say that gaming has helped in that regard.

Bungie fan gatherings.

So, how about dislikes?

Arrogance and pretension (on guard for it in myself, too). Mindreaders who tell you what you're thinking (several ex-girlfriends on that list). Mob hysteria (on the internet these days).

Bad service. (Worked retail for 11 years myself. Have no patience for it.)

Effing arthritis. It's a mutha effin sonofa B.

Pimento cheese.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

All I had as a kid was pong, so do I feel at a disadvantage here. The 360, probably for similar reasons why Mig chose the Xbox. I never forget the first glimmers of friendship with people I didn't know online. A few from the Halo 2 & 3 days, but in the community, Mazz, Hedge, bluerunner, bones, paddy--I shouldn't have started listing people, but if you played co-op night Reach edition, you know who you are.

Cake or pie?

Neither. I'm in training for PAX.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

I don't always read everything. If the topic is interesting, I probably do what most do, and click on the posts by people I know first to get a feel for the thread. I try not to comment unless I've read all other comments in the thread. I've started to think I comment too much, so if someone's already covered my viewpoint, I'll try to not post, even when there's a turn of phrase I'm dying to get out there. Plus ones are fine in my book.

I try to read all posts by admins. And Mig, to see if I'm a bad person yet. I tease, I tease. (too soon?)

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Bigarm41, Friday, July 31, 2015, 15:25 (3501 days ago) @ Kermit

You don't like pimento cheese? It's like I don't even know you anymore, man.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:09 (3501 days ago) @ Kermit

Brazil is so great!

I just realized a couple of months ago how much it probably influenced the first arc of Mayflower, and under my nose for that matter.

If you look at the plot skeleton, the basic setup... there's a lot of similarities in the first half.


I have never heard of such film

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Saturday, August 01, 2015, 00:46 (3500 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm quite surprised, actually. Is it this one?


I have never heard of such film

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 02:17 (3500 days ago) @ ZackDark

Yep. One of my favorites. Gilliam has a lot of great stuff.

Just make sure you're not watching the TV cut of Brazil with the unapproved, different ending. (Not sure if that's even around much anymore though. )


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Tex @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 15:18 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by Tex, Friday, July 31, 2015, 15:25

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

I haven't played much Destiny but that's going to change. I do like that my Hunter has a sweet Robo-face that people think is a helmet.

Other than that I like margaritas, my dogs and have a serious problem: I've tricked all my friends into playing Monopoly on XBL and now I can't stop. I've been streaming the games for a week straight now. Gah!

Outside of my casual game collection I enjoy drawing, cooking and the R&D parts of cosplaying. The building is time consuming and as I've gotten older I've started seeing it as a chore/$$$...but I still love it.

Also Jeopardy. I watch a lot of Jeopardy.

And hanging out with you people irl.

So, how about dislikes?

In gaming: I really dislike the digital download crap. I pay $60 for a game disc I have to have download and save to my HDD before I can play. Installs take forever. I just like being able to put my disc in the drive. Am I doing something wrong? Then the only thing the disc is good for is for the console to make sure I actually own the game.

While driving: I hate staring at the back of the car in front of me for too long. I'll switch lanes just to change the view.

I also hate unnecessary backstory when it comes to girl-talk/story telling. I catch myself doing it sometimes but 90% of the time just get to the good stuff. Foreplay more like boreplay.

Social-Media Activism.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

I sure do miss my pokemons and my GBC. Simpler times.

Cake or pie?

Apple Pie. Full of Everclear and morning remorse.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Been doing a lot less clicking...but for sure Paddy's. There's always a hidden gem.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Friday, July 31, 2015, 17:14 (3500 days ago) @ Tex

So, how about dislikes?

In gaming: I really dislike the digital download crap. I pay $60 for a game disc I have to have download and save to my HDD before I can play. Installs take forever. I just like being able to put my disc in the drive. Am I doing something wrong? Then the only thing the disc is good for is for the console to make sure I actually own the game.

This is what really irks me. Why can't the console recognize that once I install the game from the disc, I own it. To be clear, I know you can borrow/rent discs, but couldn't they put a code that is unique to that disc on it, and then have that code saved to your console? I suppose they'd have to mark rental disks differently so the first person wouldn't get a free copy. Also then used disks from Gamestop.... okay not going down the rabbit whole. It would just be nice to keep your disk safe in a clean display that way, and be able to swap games on the fly.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 31, 2015, 17:45 (3500 days ago) @ red robber

This is what really irks me. Why can't the console recognize that once I install the game from the disc, I own it. To be clear, I know you can borrow/rent discs, but couldn't they put a code that is unique to that disc on it, and then have that code saved to your console?

They wanted to do this you realize, but there was so much bitching about it they changed their plan (because you couldn't sell your disc).


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, July 31, 2015, 19:07 (3500 days ago) @ Xenos

My biggest disappointment about the Xbone is that Microsoft caved on implementing their initial vision. I'm not big on motion control games, but it would've been cool to see what developers would have done had Kinect been a requirement.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:04 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?

First, how about your likes?

Hmm...I'll just pick a couple of currently active ones.

-I'm really excited by the comic East of West by Johnathan Hickman. It's really telling a unique story and using the medium well. It's full to the brim of ideas and passion, which is what art is all about to me.

-Also in the comic book realm, I'm bummed that Phil Noto's two year run on Black Widow just ended. They took a character I've never liked and has always been exploited as a one-dimensional seductress and turned her into a living, breathing character. The art is subtle and descriptive, the paneling flowing and exciting. The balance of colors in a spread is insightful. I accidentally bought two copies of an issue one time so my OCD allowed me to take one apart and pin up the pages on my bulletin board to study.

-I can't stop listening to My Morning Jacket's The Waterfall album. I continually daydream/plan a sequence for my comic to the track "Believe" while I'm driving. Going to be seeing the band live in August for the first time and I'm pretty excited about that. It's pretty easy to find passionate songs full of depression and despair; it's a lot harder to find passionate songs full of hope and contentment. A few of their songs especially helped me out of a dark place a couple of years ago.

-I really enjoy 'Art of' books. Even if I don't care for the film.

-And, reminded by your dislike :), The Hobbit films, and the Extended Editions at that. I would have taken 4 more hours of dwarves hiking and singing, too!

I'm glad we're getting beyond the 2 or 3 hour traditional film/tv adaption. I've always thought it was fairly arbitrary how certain mediums equal certain quantities of a another. A 450 page book gets 2 1/2 hours of a film or six issues of a comic or four episodes of a mini-series. Why? Obviously you can make sense out of it from a production stand-point, but I think it should really be up to the adapter, their style, and how they're interpreting the work, not to mention the content and style of the original work itself, to determine the length (if it's something that should be determined at all and not just something that 'happens' as you make it).

The first season of Game of Thrones took 11 hours to adapt the first book in that series and that felt great. 9 hours for the Hobbit + sequences from the LOTR Appendices is a dream come true for my middle school self who used to doodle those obscure Appendices scenes in his notebook, never thinking they'd get a live-action go. :)

So, how about dislikes?

-The fact that Lord of the Rings is only 3 films. 7 films seems about right by my calculation: at least one for each of the six 'Books', plus a two-hour cool-down film at the end that's just shots of mountains and trees...I'm only kind of joking.

-The editing style and soundtracks of reality television. I think I might be able to watch a show like Survivor without gouging my eyes out if it was just presented in a completely different format.

-Forerunner Dogs.

-Hearing the bass of somebody's loud music through the wall, whether they're in the room beyond or in a passing car. If I had been exposed to Gamma radiation, this would be my trigger.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Probably PS1. I played Final Fantasy V-IX on that, plus Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and not least of all, Mega Man Legends 1 and 2. While I played my brothers' Atari, Nintendo, and Genesis consoles before that, the PS1 was the first console that was actually mine and it came at a perfect time.

The first XBox is snuggled up there with it, too. Halo 1 and 2 and the Knights of the Old Republic... Good times.

Cake or pie?

I have a messed up digestive system so I usually have to avoid both.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

I think it's less who and more what. Any post that deals with lore is a must-click, as well as a fan-creations and 'look what just happened in Destiny last night' posts.

It's hard not to read Claude's posts. I mean he won the "Claude Errera Award". In fact, I'll go out on a limb here and say he's the best Claude Errera I've ever met.

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Avateur @, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 00:35 (3500 days ago) @ Leviathan

So let's try to bridge gaps and get to know each other a bit better. Let's try to create some understanding with one another. I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?

First, how about your likes?

Hmm...I'll just pick a couple of currently active ones.

-I'm really excited by the comic East of West by Johnathan Hickman. It's really telling a unique story and using the medium well. It's full to the brim of ideas and passion, which is what art is all about to me.

I haven't read it, but just about anything by Jonathan Hickman is amazing as far as I'm concerned. He's so masterful with his writing, and his plans are insane. He seriously visions things out years in advance, has mostly general to solid ideas about how they will play out over the course of those years of writing, and the payoff is still usually unbelievably fantastic. Dude's just amazing.

-Also in the comic book realm, I'm bummed that Phil Noto's two year run on Black Widow just ended. They took a character I've never liked and has always been exploited as a one-dimensional seductress and turned her into a living, breathing character. The art is subtle and descriptive, the paneling flowing and exciting. The balance of colors in a spread is insightful. I accidentally bought two copies of an issue one time so my OCD allowed me to take one apart and pin up the pages on my bulletin board to study.

I feel you. A lot of Marvel writers are taking some time off or leaving potentially permanently to focus on their own independent work. There's nothing wrong with that, and I definitely say more power to them, but it sucks considering what some of them have been doing with characters who have never had a really great or even revolutionary treatment before.

-And, reminded by your dislike :), The Hobbit films, and the Extended Editions at that. I would have taken 4 more hours of dwarves hiking and singing, too!

I'm glad we're getting beyond the 2 or 3 hour traditional film/tv adaption. I've always thought it was fairly arbitrary how certain mediums equal certain quantities of a another. A 450 page book gets 2 1/2 hours of a film or six issues of a comic or four episodes of a mini-series. Why? Obviously you can make sense out of it from a production stand-point, but I think it should really be up to the adapter, their style, and how they're interpreting the work, not to mention the content and style of the original work itself, to determine the length (if it's something that should be determined at all and not just something that 'happens' as you make it).

The first season of Game of Thrones took 11 hours to adapt the first book in that series and that felt great. 9 hours for the Hobbit + sequences from the LOTR Appendices is a dream come true for my middle school self who used to doodle those obscure Appendices scenes in his notebook, never thinking they'd get a live-action go. :)

I'll comment on this below...

So, how about dislikes?

-The fact that Lord of the Rings is only 3 films. 7 films seems about right by my calculation: at least one for each of the six 'Books', plus a two-hour cool-down film at the end that's just shots of mountains and trees...I'm only kind of joking.

I agree. I don't know how well they would have been able to market double films, especially since it only seems to be acceptable for the final "chapter" of a series, but I'm still floored at how amazing the Lord of the Rings movies are. I think that's my problem with the Hobbit stuff. The Lord of the Rings films can be completely justified in not fitting within one movie each. I felt like two movies was more than enough for the Hobbit, but that they were filled with too much "fan fiction" so as to keep expanding it out. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were only doing it to make a third film to make more money, and I didn't like that feeling or the thought that the feeling might actually be true.

-Forerunner Dogs.


What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Probably PS1. I played Final Fantasy V-IX on that, plus Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and not least of all, Mega Man Legends 1 and 2. While I played my brothers' Atari, Nintendo, and Genesis consoles before that, the PS1 was the first console that was actually mine and it came at a perfect time.

I've still never owned a Sony console, but a lot of my friends had the PS1, and it was super fun to play. Most of my Sony experiences occurred at friend's houses either watching, taking turns, or co-oping certain things. Some of the best gaming times I've had!

Cake or pie?

I have a messed up digestive system so I usually have to avoid both.

Boo! :(

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

I think it's less who and more what. Any post that deals with lore is a must-click, as well as a fan-creations and 'look what just happened in Destiny last night' posts.

It's hard not to read Claude's posts. I mean he won the "Claude Errera Award". In fact, I'll go out on a limb here and say he's the best Claude Errera I've ever met.

Not disputing anything you've said, but how many Claude Errera's have you met? I went to HBOMB and I'm fairly sure there was a Claude Errera Sasquatch lurking around the cabin (I think Rowboat fought one with his bare hands, as a matter of fact), but I didn't see one personally.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 03:30 (3500 days ago) @ Avateur

I haven't read it, but just about anything by Jonathan Hickman is amazing as far as I'm concerned. He's so masterful with his writing, and his plans are insane. He seriously visions things out years in advance, has mostly general to solid ideas about how they will play out over the course of those years of writing, and the payoff is still usually unbelievably fantastic. Dude's just amazing.

Yeah, agreed. From SHIELD to Manhattan Projects, I've always been inspired in one way or another. The plans are indeed impressive and usually better executed than other comparable authors's long-term schemes, but the fact that those plans are filled to the brim with a spectrum of fascinating concepts is what makes the ride even better.

I agree. I don't know how well they would have been able to market double films, especially since it only seems to be acceptable for the final "chapter" of a series, but I'm still floored at how amazing the Lord of the Rings movies are. I think that's my problem with the Hobbit stuff. The Lord of the Rings films can be completely justified in not fitting within one movie each. I felt like two movies was more than enough for the Hobbit, but that they were filled with too much "fan fiction" so as to keep expanding it out. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were only doing it to make a third film to make more money, and I didn't like that feeling or the thought that the feeling might actually be true.

I think I had some similar feelings when Two Towers came out actually. There was a LOT of original content in that one and it confused and distracted me the first few viewings. But the Extended Edition completely changed the feel for me. The Hobbit EEs have done the same thing for me, especially with Desolation.

Simply just by making those sequences have less of the total screen time make them feel less of an interruption, but, perhaps more importantly, they were now bookmarked with more dense book material which made the entirety of the films seem more united with themselves and the spirit of the books. Ever since Two Towers, I view the theatrical versions as a long preview essentially and wait to judge until I've let the EEs wash over me a few times. One of my brothers went further and just refused to see the theatrical versions at all, hah.

And while I'm sure WB and New Line would never say 'no' to more money from another film ;), after the 18 hours of documentaries in the two Hobbit EEs so far (plus five art books), I am completely, 100%, convinced Jackson did not extend his vision for money. Despite the troubles with adapting the Hobbit's simplistic narrative style (hence a lot of expanded content), I actually think he enjoyed making this trilogy more than the last one! I highly recommend those documentaries as well. :)

Not disputing anything you've said, but how many Claude Errera's have you met? I went to HBOMB and I'm fairly sure there was a Claude Errera Sasquatch lurking around the cabin (I think Rowboat fought one with his bare hands, as a matter of fact), but I didn't see one personally.

The only person I've ever met that has rivaled the quality of Claude would be this guy named Louis Wu (pronounced 'Lewis', of course).


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 00:45 (3499 days ago) @ Leviathan

-Hearing the bass of somebody's loud music through the wall, whether they're in the room beyond or in a passing car. If I had been exposed to Gamma radiation, this would be my trigger.

This drives me nuts, too. It's not that I don't like loud music, I'm actually really into powerful sound systems and live concerts. But there's something about JUST bass, disembodied from the rest of the sound, that's extremely irritating.

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:30 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

On Bungie: I first played a Bungie game in 2001. I was too young to have any disposable income, and was deciding which games console I wanted for my Birthday. My mum's friend generously helped me out by showing me the PS2 and Xbox, including Halo. I didn't really understand the plot, but the mechanics gripped me. In the end I got a PS2 though, for Final Fantasy 10. 3 years later, the gaming magazines were abuzz with talk of Halo 2, and I decided I wanted in on the action. I actually owned both Halo and Halo 2 before I owned an xbox, so sure I was that I'd get one eventually. Despite having both, it was weeks (maybe months) before I put Halo down and tried Halo 2. I've been a Bungie fan ever since.

On Destiny: I really like a lot of things about Destiny. I forget how much I like the game sometimes, which is a shame. I could list all the things I like, but it would be a huge (and largely predictable) list, so instead here's some of my more controversial/uncommon likes: Nightfalls, MIDA, the Qodron fight, the Skolas fight (crazy, I know), Titans, the Lore (and actually, I have no issue at all that it's not in-game), Dinklebot, Salvage (Salvage is my definite favourite gametype next to Elimination. I'm actually considering a separate post about my love for Salvage).

In games: I love many things. I love Rayman and Super Meat Boy. I love Spec Ops: The Line. I love weaboo Final Fantasy and Star Ocean. I love Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I love the cinematic experience of Uncharted 2, even if I think it makes for a pretty bad game. I love Resident Evil, and Viva Piñata, and Animal Crossing, Demon's Souls, and and and and and. I'm really big on both Narrative and Mechanics in games, and I feel that a lack of one can definitely be made up for if the other is strong enough (of course, both is preferable).

In the real world: I'm kind of a media nut. I have a list 500 long of films I need to see. I watch so much TV I used to have a spreadsheet to keep track. I also like spreadsheets, stats and numbers, because I'm a terrible person :p

I also like to read, though I haven't been doing as much lately. Some of my less obvious favourites are Terry Pratchett, Dan Abnett and Kathy Reichs. I listen to too many podcasts to list. Jim Sterling is my Spirit Animal.

So, how about dislikes?

No PoE checkpoints, Cauldron (predictably), Pantheon (even worse than Cauldron. I'm tempted to make a separate post on this as well, but don't want to be told off by the negativity police), the state of the games industry, the cost of living in my area, Football, ketchup (yuck!).

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

Oh God. All of them? But per generation - PS1, PS2, X360, PS4. Extra special mention for every single Nintendo handheld

Cake or pie?

Pie. I will make an exception for carrot cake. Both lose to Cheesecake which is somehow neither.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Destroyoboy, Ouranje, Bigarm and Commandrcleavage because they're my people (Deeply Flawed Raiders unite!). Fearless Leader Kermit because Kermit. TheeChaos because I play with him a lot; he's okay I guess :p General Battuta because he has insider information, though he has yet to slip up and reveal his secrets. Iconicbanana is my other spirit animal.

But really I read everything. All of it. Forever.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:43 (3501 days ago) @ someotherguy

On Destiny: I really like a lot of things about Destiny. I forget how much I like the game sometimes, which is a shame. I could list all the things I like, but it would be a huge (and largely predictable) list, so instead here's some of my more controversial/uncommon likes: Nightfalls, MIDA, the Qodron fight, the Skolas fight (crazy, I know), Titans, the Lore (and actually, I have no issue at all that it's not in-game), Dinklebot, Salvage (Salvage is my definite favourite gametype next to Elimination. I'm actually considering a separate post about my love for Salvage).

Glad you like Nightfalls so much, because I think I'm going to start running more on the PS4. My characters there are lacking that experience. I'll look for you.

because I'm a terrible person :p

I see the emoticon here, and I hear you say this a lot (with a twinkle in your eye, I can tell.) You're not, of course. You're really not. You're pretty damn awesome.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by cheapLEY @, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:53 (3501 days ago) @ someotherguy

On Destiny: I really like a lot of things about Destiny. I forget how much I like the game sometimes, which is a shame. I could list all the things I like, but it would be a huge (and largely predictable) list, so instead here's some of my more controversial/uncommon likes: Nightfalls, MIDA, the Qodron fight, the Skolas fight (crazy, I know), Titans, the Lore (and actually, I have no issue at all that it's not in-game), Dinklebot, Salvage (Salvage is my definite favourite gametype next to Elimination. I'm actually considering a separate post about my love for Salvage).

I also love Nightfalls. I honestly didn't know that wasn't common. They're great. Granted, I've only ever done them through Kermit's co-op night, so I've only ever done them with awesome people.

I have never played Salvage. I don't know why. I just always go into Control or Skirmish. I'll have to give Salvage a try.

And I also like the Qodron fight, and never really understood the hate for Dinklebot. I thought he did a pretty good job (although it is a little difficult to get past hearing Tyrion Lannister, but that's my issue, not his). Some of the dialogue is awful, but that's always been a staple of Bungie games, so I don't know what the issue is there ("not a natural formation", "to war", etc.)

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 31, 2015, 17:47 (3500 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Salvage is all the cooperation, revive-play and orb-feeding of Skirmish, but with an actual objective. And not just the "stand here for a bit" of Control (though there is some of that). It requires constant movement around the map as the objectives move, and Capturing or losing a Probe is a bigger deal than in Control.

Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by Bigarm41, Friday, July 31, 2015, 18:45 (3500 days ago) @ someotherguy

I had a large time doing it the first time I tried, even with randoms for teammates. It would probably be even more fun with DBO-types and communication and strategy and such. Also, it makes me think I might not totally suck at ToO. Maybe one day...


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 00:53 (3499 days ago) @ cheapLEY

"to war"

I had almost managed to forget about that one. So, thanks... for that. :|


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Friday, July 31, 2015, 16:54 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes?


Halo music.

Cook-Torrance microfacet specular BRDF.

Skellig cheese.

So, how about dislikes?

NPCs incessantly telling you to proceed with the objective.

Jackal snipers.

Erring toward high numbers of gameplay mechanics.

Low FoV.

When the rear fender rattles against the bolt securing the front derailleur.

People who ride MUP traffic like the pro peloton.

Related, people who 3-inch draft other people whose group ride experience is unknown.

Spongy brakes.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

It's not a plurality of my console usage at the moment, but probably original Xbox.

Cake or pie?

Pie, if created by someone who has mastered the art crust-making. Otherwise there's room for a discussion.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?



Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Friday, July 31, 2015, 17:00 (3501 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

Gadgets and video games. Really I'm just a gadget freak. Any new release for phones, cameras, laptops, tablets, desktop components, wearables--you name it. I just can't help but pore over every news outlet and read first impressions. The feeling of opening up a new toy and getting a big whiff of that new gadget smell just makes me weak in the knees. I love it. I used to be the same with video games, but after having kids and with all of the traveling I do for work, the time for video games has really dwindled. I still love them, but I don't have the luxury of getting to enjoy them as much as I used to.

So, how about dislikes?

Getting old

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

I'd have to say my Xbox One. I've gotten so much enjoyment and entertainment out of it that it's unreal. I love that MS has continually improved it and added new features through the preview program, so it's like every time I turn it on there's something new to play with

Cake or pie?

Pie. A warm slice of cobbler with a fat scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top is just glorious, drool-worthy food porn for me.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

ZackDark. Because he's the god damn ZackDark.. Actually mostly because he's wise beyond his years and his mannerisms amuse me. <3 u ZachiePoo


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Saturday, August 01, 2015, 01:40 (3500 days ago) @ JDQuackers

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

ZackDark. Because he's the god damn ZackDark.. Actually mostly because he's wise beyond his years and his mannerisms amuse me. <3 u ZachiePoo

Mannerisms?! How dare you!


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Friday, July 31, 2015, 19:06 (3500 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes?

You know what it is! I like halo and bungie and star wars and batman and space jam and jock jams and pizza and beer and transformers and marvel movies and iron maiden and playing vidja games.

but mostly, I like chilling with you guys the most, online or off. B.org is my online home and where my second family lives. I love all of you... well, most of you... actually get back to me on that.

So, how about dislikes?

hmmm, I usually block out things I don't like, but here we go. The Mike Bay Transformers movies burn me in a way few things can. If you have a favorite franchise, get ready, Mr.Bay's coming to knock on your door. And I think the worst part of the whole thing is that to some people, that is Transformers. Like, when Batman and Robin came out and killed the franchise for years, people acknowledged it was shit, we moved on. But, years from now, when they are thinking of reviving Transformers again, many will identify with these movies over the original series, making it the canon. There are dark days ahead.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

I really love my N64 a whole lot, but I think the Dreamcast beats it out jsut barely. There's something still oddly magical about the DC, it's still very unique.

Cake or pie?

Cake is a must, but I get by on pie

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

I'll ready anything by the Godfather and for some reason bluerunner, he just has so much wisdom, but I really look for my boy kanbo to post. I can always sniff out a kanbo post.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 02:28 (3500 days ago) @ Avateur

I know, this might seem a bit laughable coming from me, but why not?


First, how about your likes?

Intelligently designed products.

Cars. Exotics, muscle cars, under-powered sports cars (think Miata). Even family cars, if they display some ingenuity or do something in an intelligent way. Pretty much anything that isn't a boring 4-door box. For instance, for all my interest in fast cars, I actually drive a Subaru Outback, which is not fast at all, but is so good at every other aspect of daily life that I'm always impressed by it.

I love performance driving, but don't actually get a lot of real-life chances to do so. The first video game I owned (everything prior was borrowed or a hand-me-down) was Gran Turismo. I learned every word in that manual, which actually dedicated many pages to teaching proper cornering technique - it was wonderful, and clearly done by people who loved what they were doing. I haven't stopped with the driving obsession yet. Ask bluerunner or SonofMacPhisto. Nowadays, because I'm primarily XBox, and because Polyphony Digital seems to have phoned in the last Gran Turismo iteration, I spend a lot of time in Forza.

So, how about dislikes?

Drama, manufactured music, and ideologues. And un-intelligently designed products.

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?

As a piece of technology I love the PS3, especially the early iterations that had hardware-based backwards compatibility and ran Linux.

As an actual gaming experience, the 360.

Cake or pie?

I'm not going to say I hate cake, but I find that cake can often be so sub-par as to be disappointing, whereas most of the pie I've had has been consistently good.

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

Anyone I've met IRL, which is quite a few of you at this point. And for reasons I've never figured out, Cody.


Well, DBO sure blew up for a bit there, didn't it?

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Saturday, August 01, 2015, 16:08 (3500 days ago) @ Avateur

First, how about your likes? I'll start.

  • Bungie games
  • Frankly, most games that have very responsive controls and simulate a sufficiently complex environment to set up a surprising amount of gameplay variations
  • Close games, win or lose
  • Traveling, I love experiencing different cultures, used Australia and London as home bases for exploring the world and loved every exhausting minute of it
  • Programming, Websites, games, robots, whatever
  • Explosions In The Sky, El-P, Bane, 65daysofstatic
  • helping others out
  • activism, wherever it springs up

So, how about dislikes?

  • posturing
  • apathy
  • the super round
  • that I have to wear a cape to get reputation
  • unit tests that take a long time to run
  • hot weather

What's your favorite video gaming console or handheld device of all time?
XBox 360 - Great online service combined with the perfect controller and a great set of Halo games

Cake or pie?
Bourbon neat

Whose posts do you always find yourself clicking on?

  • Petetheduck
  • Claude
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