I don't remember reading this anywhere else...

by urk, Saturday, May 18, 2013, 09:10 (4029 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Yeah, it sounds awesome. It was said somewhere else but I don't ever keep good track of who said what where. That was the power I had in mind when the Warlock released the Tribbles. As far as I know it's the only power even hinted at so far though. :(

It's all from our February reveal event. We danced for about two hours, covering a range of topics. We rolled out Jones, Staten, Barry, Butcher, Hao, Ellis, Marty, Parsons, and myself, showed off a ton of art, tech, tools, in-engine images, and a brief, in-game first person perspective overview of one of Destiny's environments. I've yet to see anyone fully encapsulate all of the details, so it's not surprising to see this article hit three months on and still contain new information. In the same vein, pretty much all the "new" news and details that we've peppered the mail sack with since February were also covered at the reveal event. Many, much to DeeJ's delight, were paraphrased quotes direct from the team that were simply never published.


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