No.... (Destiny)

by Earendil, Thursday, June 11, 2015, 21:55 (3539 days ago) @ stabbim

I don't think he really meant just taking the same text word-for-word and dumping it into the game. I don't think most of the people who talk about "putting the Grimoire content in the game" mean it literally in that way.

I guess that's just how I interpreted him saying (emphasis my own):
"Relegating this kind of deep and interesting lore to Pokemon cards that are not available in the game itself kills immersion."

Once you add in more basic story, and add in deep and interesting lore, exactly what are you not putting in there? This entire thread started with a story that revolved around a conversation between scientists eons ago. How do you slip that into Destiny without it being text? And if it's text, where do you put it?

Call me old fashioned, but I really don't mind reading, and think that many stories are told better as text. Do I think TLOTR movies are an incomplete telling of the story? Yes. Do I think all that info should have been squeezed into the movie? @#$% no. If you want to understand more about the movies, go read the books. And if you want to understand the books better, go read the Silmarillion, which is borderline written in Grimoire farm.

Now. Just as any movie adaptation of a book can be good, bad, or meh, I think that Destiny's game adaption of the story they obviously have written is meh bordering on bad. The example below of light returning to the travel is great. Some things were cut that shouldn't have been, some things were left in that should have been cut. I realize that the realities of game design do not allow for last minute editing of games the way they can with movies.

I do wish there was an alternative format for the cards. I'd like to sit down with them as a PDF and read them on my couch without having to flip through cards.

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