
Xbox One Tuesday raiders: keep raiding or do PoE? (Fireteam Builder Events)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, May 21, 2015, 08:30 (3418 days ago)

We usually have two good raids, then Coop night, then sometimes a super casual raid where I tell embarrassing stories and die a lot.

Now with most of us at 33, we can blast through Crota on hard probably in about the same time as we used to do it on normal, since we're all pretty good at it at this point, or we could do POE events.

We could have two 32 POEs, coop night, then a smaller number of 34 POEs to start with, then as we all hit 34, we could try a 32, then 34, coop night, then 35. We could also do POE at first, then run a super casual raid after, or vice versa.

Since there is more to do here, we may benefit from scheduling it and having a few goes at it. However, it is also much easier to find a pickup POE group than it is to find a pickup raid group, so we might still want to do the Tuesday raids just to do them, since otherwise we might never get a chance.

What do you guys think? Keep the raids coming, but on HM for extra exotics, or dump them in favor of POE, at least for now?

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