Multiplayer Gameplay

by Axelrod vK, NC, USA, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 09:01 (4334 days ago) @ Axelrod vK

The Factions might be your teams online, make sure you get in the same one as your friends unless you wanna kill em! We all know Bungie makes above par MLG style multiplayer, but I would not say that is their strongest suit. Bungie has, in my opinion, always made the greatest large scale multiplayer battles. The vehicles, maps, and weapons are always fun and exciting, and factions wars could thrive in that huge style. If there are multiplayer matches of maybe 16 or 24 people on a massive map with vehicles and perks or weapons laying around, there would be no need to nerf everyone and equal the starting loadouts like a MLG gametype will have.

Not sure how Guardian wars fit into the lore, but I would really enjoy objective-based large-scale multi-team carnage.

And everyone seems to be wondering how an MLG stlye game would go with customization, my take is give everyone the same base rifle and fill the maps with weapons to race to in order to gain an advantage.

Again, all speculation. AND RANTING AHHHH

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