
Playing Destiny on the Xbone... (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Sunday, May 10, 2015, 09:28 (3585 days ago) @ Korny

300,000 Servers!

And a hilariously odd confrontation... Is this how the enemy sees us?

I can't imagine the game is always this laggy, but when it isn't kicking me off, it's doing the things in Patrol areas.

I get the Beaver alot.

Also, the unweildy Xbone DVR doesn't record audio anymore, and online suggestions (MAC address/ app deletion stuff) don't work. This happen to anyone else?

The last couple of records this week, the audio was out of sync by about 5 seconds. Really ruined some awesome clips.

And a weird thing to note; it let me join a level 8 strike as level 3, and even though I only have the Trial version of Destiny, it matched me up with a level 32 that had Crota gear. That was interesting...

Lastly, supposedly you can record the last five minutes of Gameplay, but my clips are only ever 26-29 seconds long, and all of the online help involves Kinect. Anything that I can do? Seriously have no idea how Xbone users have survived with this jumbled mess.

Xbone is definitely not a streamlined machine. I've never played on a PS4 so I can't say which is a better experience though. Sounds like PS is a better experience.

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