
by Axelrod vK, NC, USA, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 09:18 (4342 days ago)

Space flight will be a HUGE part of the Destiny game. While space combat and other features are debatable, space flight is the keystone element of the exploration Destiny is said to foster. I hold Bungie to the highest possible standard, therefore I expect a lot in this aspect. Here are a few things I am expecting regarding space flight.

Freedom to fly anywhere. The massive gaps between planets can be used as load zones, as our ships fly at a (faster-than) light speed, but the space all around the planets are free to explore. This could be filled with things like space-stations, satellites (natural + man-made), and other space junk for cover and exploration. Places to dock and get out, maybe you can bail on your ship at any time and jetpack around, sweet.

Similar to above, Destiny needs fully rendered planets to explore. It is obviously a lot to ask. But it's 2013, and with the new consoles on the horizon we should keep open minds. Landmarks can be clearly marked for quick access, and treasure hunting will be intensely broad. We have seen what the new mapmaking software is capable of, there is no reason the 'unused' areas of the planet can't be monotonous wasteland, or enemey space that is a no-fly zone to Guardians. I want the feelingof burning through the atmosphere and landforms taking shape beneath you, tiny dots turning into mountains. (If you havent seen that whole video, it's here, with notable parts at 4:00, 5:45) (Similar engine) Since these videos are years old, and Bungie is utilizing solftware that excludes loading what isn't seen by the player, it makes sense that this could be possible.

Lastly, if free rotation on all axes is allowed (which it obviously should), an auto-orient button that can be toggled is a must. Experience from other space/flight games makes this crucial.

Thoughts? Do you think this is possible?

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