
Wonderful! Now, we can begin Phase 2. (DBO)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 12:49 (3590 days ago) @ Revenant1988

PHASE 1: operation get-Levi-moar pixels

PHASE 2:get-paddy-to-the-PS4-boogaloo.

Excellent work, B.Org. You do great things. But the Job isn't over yet. No.

PS4 need laughter, folks.

Give's em hope.

Plz send your donations to Revenant's paypal.

I promise I won't buy and drugs with it, and any excess donations will not be spent on orphans.

You're our only hope.

God knows his TSD sponsors can't make it happen.
(Who knew an IRC could be so expensive, when you only have 4 users to spam with ads about Top Gun, hair gel and Corgis, and 3 of them have ad-block enabled.)

I know you can do it.

I believe in you all.

Let's give PS4 user's the Xbox One's last good piece of exclusive content: Paddy.

Good night, and God bless.

I'm on board. Paddy would probably enjoy Destiny a lot more with us PS4 peeps anyway.

How much is my portion and where do I send the check?

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