Breaking down Destiny's 7 Worlds

by NsU Soldier @, Washington, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 18:13 (4348 days ago) @ Axelrod vK

I originally brushed it off because of how it was said, but Bungie seems to have been hiding obvious clues about important game features right in front of our noses. So, on the second viewing I was forced to think about that line more. It wouldn't be unlike Bungie to have 7 'worlds', or planets (and moons, I know...); at least on the initial release.

Haha, you're probably right. Seven planets/moons seems around the number they would be going for with what we know. And think about this, they have a ridiculous amount of concept art for each place AND a tool that helps them iterate playable spaces (from said concept art) much faster than before. I can only imagine how mind-blowingly large the amounts of exploration could be.

What do you think? There are hundreds of moons around Jupiter and Saturn, so we can't really know. There will be other locations too most likely, space stations, asteriods, moons, and i also could be very wrong. Where would YOU like to go?

I think the in-between locations would be my favorite. I love the feeling of finding a derelict ship/station in the middle of space. It's like coming across a ghost ship.

As far as planets go, I am really, really interested in Venus. I feel like much could be hidden there in its formerly hellish environment. Things that weren't meant to be uncovered.

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