
Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST (Recruitment)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 14:19 (3362 days ago) @ Kermit

Thanks to all who joined last night, especially breitzen and Zero Point Fox. We had fun with Valus Ta’Aurc--never were all three of us in the hidey hole, which made for some dramatic moments when one (or two!) of us died.

I especially want to thank those two for enduring a few Control matches with me afterward. I was beginning to think that the Ottermack rank bump (because he played Cruicible as me for a bit this past weekend) wasn't a real thing, but my gosh, that last team we played just trampled us. It felt like I was getting two-shotted or supered every 10 seconds or so. Ugh.

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