
Valus Ta’Aurc is getting nerfed? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, April 06, 2015, 23:42 (3368 days ago) @ bluerunner

Yup. I wish they had nerfed Omnigul too. Without a burn that fight sometimes takes as long as the rest of the strike. I like the rest of the strike, but that end fight drags on and on sometimes.

People do that wrong just like they do Phogoth wrong.

1. Kill all the ads
2. Go in, stun Omnigul with a grenade or Abyss Defiant
3. Lay into her
4. When ads reappear, go back, and kill ads
5. Repeat

Even with no burn, if you go through that 4 or 5 times you should have her.

Similarly for Phogoth, especially on nightfalls, you should skip the shrieker room entirely. Go out, kill all the ads. Lay into Phogoth, and if a burn is on, he'll easily die before a ship arrives.

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