So close. (Recruitment)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Monday, March 16, 2015, 16:48 (3478 days ago) @ dogcow

I notice I personally don't do as well when running with a DBO group (tho' the team as a whole usually does pretty well). I tend to do better running solo. I wonder if that's because I'm being matched up with higher 'trueskill' opponents.

I don't do as well in Control as a rule, but I think you might have a point there.

Still! I'm not complaining. I actually appreciate the fact that I get my ass kicked so thouroughly. Sure, I feel bad for my team, but today I did a bit of Clash and Control and found out that I'm actually kinda rocking it. Every time I play with DBO, I walk away with skills just a tiny bit more sharp. I'm hoping that eventually I'll be competent... and maybe finally get this freaking Thorn bounty beat.

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