What love story? What implications?

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Sunday, March 24, 2013, 06:10 (4359 days ago) @ scarab

I'd rather not go into it too much on the board. Let's put it as absolute politely as possible when I say that the romance subplot, specifically the way it plays out as Deckard doesn't allow her to leave and how it progresses from there, seems to many people to be a little, ahem, forced.

My interpretation of the scene relies heavily on which version you watch as well as a fridge horror element to it. Mine is an arguably more horrific interpretation, but still. Going into details tends to start problems for many people, and I'd rather not start something like that here. And depending on which version you watch, it's really spoileriffic. So, um... yeah.

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