Last minute Saturday PAX ticket available

by Claude Errera @, Friday, March 22, 2013, 20:10 (4360 days ago)

One of my sons decided he couldn't make it at the last minute - so I have one extra Saturday ticket. On the plus side, it wouldn't cost you anything - on the minus side, my other son couldn't get off work early, so we won't be there before 11 or 12 to give it to you.

If you live near Boston, and you WEREN'T going to PAX, but you'd LIKE to, and you're okay with just spending half of Saturday there... drop me an email. (I won't see this until tomorrow morning - but I'll get back to you before we leave CT.)

If multiple people respond to this, it's first-come, first serve.

Gonna post this on HBO, too.

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