OY Oholiab!!!! (Recruitment)

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 16:14 (3406 days ago) @ Up North 65

So after last weeks raid with James he mentioned wanting to run Crotas this weekend. Before I make a post in the fire team builder I was just wondering what times would work best for you guys. I can do Saturday morning and all day Sunday. He was awesome and I definitely would like to play with him again.

Oy! First, as a parent, that's actually really encouraging, so thanks for saying so. Needless to say, we're very careful about who our kids game with, and I'm happy this community provides him with a great online experience. He definitely enjoys playing with the big boys! He always gets a laugh when you guys let a four-letter-word slip.

I will check with the family social coordinator and let you know. I also have to balance the fact that his sister really wanted to be the first to tackle Crota. No sibling rivalry there... She's a steady player: won't get the most kills, but won't die the most either. May not be quite up to Crota, so I don't want her to be a burden to other guardians if I'm not there to help pick up the slack. I'll let you know tonight.

So at the risk of giving too much info, it might help all the 360 folks to know how things work with our gamertags:

me (hunter; old guy; stutters; only uses precision weaponry) I'm generally on late at night on the weekends, or early evening on Tuesdays.

Isaac (Warlock; youngest offspring, only level 31 Guardian in the house; doesn't like to talk in the mic, but listens well) usually on in the afternoon. If you send a message to me and don't get an answer, it's probably because he's playing at the moment. That happens a lot!

James (Titan; favors rushing in using shoulder charge; owns two Destiny books; fierce Crucible player; would probably love to be on the forum if his dad allowed Safari on his iPad mini) usually on afternoons

Miriam (hunter; loves patrolling and exploring; likes to play with her dad; really wants to do some raids) generally not on unless I am

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