
Co-op LATE Night / Round 2 (PS4) Tues@11 PM EST / 8 PST (Recruitment)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, February 09, 2015, 16:53 (3414 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by dogcow, Monday, February 09, 2015, 17:07

I’m irritated with my Xbone for the moment, and Dogcow asked about this last week. I thought he might host it, but I haven’t heard from him today … so let’s give this a go!

Yeah, maybe I should just post to the forum when I can't get in touch with you by other means. ;)

I won't be signing on until a little before 11:00 eastern. I know of at least two "west coasters" who won't be able to make the earlier event, so I'll schedule a "round 2" event for 11:00 pm EST, 8:00 PST. Anyone who wants to are welcome to join in & I'll try my hand at assigning some random teams like Kermit does.


Round 2
The Nightfall mission (or Weekly Heroic--your choice), followed by a daily mission nightcap.


Guardians level 28 and up who want to hit the nightfall & weekly heroic a second time, or who can't make the first event.


PSN on the PS4


Members sign up with their gamertags using the event listing.

I will attempt to run this as smoothly as Kermit does. ;)
I will invite you to an PSN party shortly before 11 EST / 8 PST. Every effort will be made to invite players in the order they signed up in the fireteam builder. When the party is full the Co-op Night Random Team Generator (RTG) will assign teams. Teams will break off, and I'll invite more people to the party until I've included everyone. This process should wrap up by ~11:05 EST / 8:05 PST.


To have the opportunity to play with community members you may not have played with before, to have a predictable time during the week to cooperatively tackle a harder challenge, and to kick some alien butt.

P.S. Remember that on co-op night, assists count more than kills.

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