
by yakaman, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 12:04 (4363 days ago) @ Beorn

When I started playing World of Warcraft (about 8 months after its initial launch), I was afraid that I'd lose all my awesome stuff when another player killed me. It took a bit of playing before I realized what the whole item-binding concept was about and how it worked. In many ways I was relieved, but there was definitely part of me that was sort of interested in the idea of permanent repercussions for losing a fight. However, after being "ganked" for the 100th time in Stranglethorn Vale I was quite happy with the mechanics as they were; my character would have been walking around in his loin cloth, armed only with a banana peel.

Tell me more about this. No, not about the loin cloth and banana peel. How does PvP encounter/fighting work in WoW? Have you played any other games that have a similar mechanic? I've never played anything like this, so I'd like to know more about it if only to help speculate on what Bungie might be thinking.

What is item-binding? Could that be altered to allow things to be "lose-able" but under more...controlled circumstances?

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